It’s hard to predict which way this election is going to go. I heard a pundit say the other day that if the democrats can’t win this election, then the democrats just can’t win. There’s so much Republican backlash from the 8 years of Bush that it seems a sure bet that our next president is going to set a precedent as either a woman or a black male. So for shits and giggles, let’s take a minute and have a closer look at the players. John Edwards is a sly dog, ain’t he? He’s been out of the race for days now and yet still hasn’t public ally come forward to officially endorse either remaining candidate. He’s so obviously hedging his bets, waiting to see which way the tide goes. Let’s be honest, he was always running for Vice-President anyway and he’ll probably do very well in that capacity.
Clinton would love Edwards as a VP, because she could easily steamroll right over him. She wouldn’t have to be looking over her shoulder for hidden agendas and power plays ‘cause heck, he’d just be happy to be there. And Obama would welcome him with open arms because it may temper all the nay-sayers who say we’re not ready for a black president, that and the fact that each of them appeal to vastly different demographics so their coming together would make the ticket seem more appealing to a broader cross section of voters.Yes, Johnny boy is just laying in wait, but he’ll pounce once he sees some blood in the water. Speaking of Obama and blood in the water, did anyone else see the clip on the internet of a function Obama attended where everybody stood to salute the flag and pledge allegiance to the United States and Obama stayed seated and silent?
Yes, you read it right. Did you also know that he was raised a Muslim and only converted to Christianity a few years ago? Where the hell did Obama even come from? Maybe some of you recall a promise made to us by bin Laden, post 9/11, when he swore that he would get one of his zealots on the inside of our government. He said that it would be a long and complicated process, but the results, when they came, would more than be worth the wait.
He would literally control the American government and destroy us quite quickly, from the inside. Barack’s never run anything in his life, hasn’t even managed a McDonald’s and yet, it seems, about half of the country feel he’s truly qualified to run the last remaining superpower in the world. Laughable, if it didn’t have the potential to be so tragic. And then we have Hillary. At least now we know why she didn’t leave that dick of a husband after he made a fool of her, time and again, in front of the whole country with his tomcatting around. She was leveraging herself for her own eventual run for the presidency.
That at least shows some foresight and planning, two desirable qualities in any president. The downside of a new Clinton regime is just the blatant corruption associated with them. There are a lot of bodies buried in the Clinton graveyard and both Bill and Hillary put them there. She couldn’t maintain honest practices while running her own law firm (Whitewater, anyone?), how do we expect her to stay above the fray when she has control of the whole damn country? If Edwards throws his support to Obama, who would Hillary even choose as a running mate? I’m going to go out on a ledge here and say Pelosi. True, Pelosi has more power as Majority Speaker of the House than she would as Vice President, but it would be damn good positioning if she has designs on the Oval Office, herself.
Now to the Republicans…slim pickins there, too, folks. The only reason Romney is even still in it is because he’s bankrolling the whole shebang himself. I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about him that I find off. Eventually, it will probably be revealed that he’s a robot.
The forerunner and expected candidate for the Republican Party, John McCain is, for all intents and purposes, I'll just say it, a Democrat. For him to say that he wouldn’t torture captured terrorists to gain intelligence that would bolster our chance of victory in this war was just naive. I understand he was a prisoner of war, but come on, they’re torturing our guys. Its war and we shouldn’t have to adhere to our standards of civility; we have to lower ourselves to theirs. Barbaric? Surely. Necessary? Undoubtedly. An eye for an eye, it’s right there in the Holy Bible. You can’t be a mamby-pansy because they certainly aren’t playing fair. If he’s smart, he’ll take Giuliani as his running mate. Rudy would help him close the government checkbook and grow some political balls.
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Clinton would love Edwards as a VP, because she could easily steamroll right over him. She wouldn’t have to be looking over her shoulder for hidden agendas and power plays ‘cause heck, he’d just be happy to be there. And Obama would welcome him with open arms because it may temper all the nay-sayers who say we’re not ready for a black president, that and the fact that each of them appeal to vastly different demographics so their coming together would make the ticket seem more appealing to a broader cross section of voters.Yes, Johnny boy is just laying in wait, but he’ll pounce once he sees some blood in the water. Speaking of Obama and blood in the water, did anyone else see the clip on the internet of a function Obama attended where everybody stood to salute the flag and pledge allegiance to the United States and Obama stayed seated and silent?
Yes, you read it right. Did you also know that he was raised a Muslim and only converted to Christianity a few years ago? Where the hell did Obama even come from? Maybe some of you recall a promise made to us by bin Laden, post 9/11, when he swore that he would get one of his zealots on the inside of our government. He said that it would be a long and complicated process, but the results, when they came, would more than be worth the wait.
He would literally control the American government and destroy us quite quickly, from the inside. Barack’s never run anything in his life, hasn’t even managed a McDonald’s and yet, it seems, about half of the country feel he’s truly qualified to run the last remaining superpower in the world. Laughable, if it didn’t have the potential to be so tragic. And then we have Hillary. At least now we know why she didn’t leave that dick of a husband after he made a fool of her, time and again, in front of the whole country with his tomcatting around. She was leveraging herself for her own eventual run for the presidency.
That at least shows some foresight and planning, two desirable qualities in any president. The downside of a new Clinton regime is just the blatant corruption associated with them. There are a lot of bodies buried in the Clinton graveyard and both Bill and Hillary put them there. She couldn’t maintain honest practices while running her own law firm (Whitewater, anyone?), how do we expect her to stay above the fray when she has control of the whole damn country? If Edwards throws his support to Obama, who would Hillary even choose as a running mate? I’m going to go out on a ledge here and say Pelosi. True, Pelosi has more power as Majority Speaker of the House than she would as Vice President, but it would be damn good positioning if she has designs on the Oval Office, herself.
Now to the Republicans…slim pickins there, too, folks. The only reason Romney is even still in it is because he’s bankrolling the whole shebang himself. I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about him that I find off. Eventually, it will probably be revealed that he’s a robot.
The forerunner and expected candidate for the Republican Party, John McCain is, for all intents and purposes, I'll just say it, a Democrat. For him to say that he wouldn’t torture captured terrorists to gain intelligence that would bolster our chance of victory in this war was just naive. I understand he was a prisoner of war, but come on, they’re torturing our guys. Its war and we shouldn’t have to adhere to our standards of civility; we have to lower ourselves to theirs. Barbaric? Surely. Necessary? Undoubtedly. An eye for an eye, it’s right there in the Holy Bible. You can’t be a mamby-pansy because they certainly aren’t playing fair. If he’s smart, he’ll take Giuliani as his running mate. Rudy would help him close the government checkbook and grow some political balls.
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