I understand the immediate need for aid to Japan, I do…and I’ve done my part; I’ve given as much as I can give, but I’m wondering what it’s going to take for America to STAND UP and STAND BY our sister Israel.
I am not Jewish, but I don’t need to be…I’m American so at the heart of me I can acknowledge and respect our differences. Instilled in me is a sense of honor, of loyalty, of God and of friendship. I fight for the underdog, I stand up to the bully, I speak for those whose voice is ignored or seldom heard. And most importantly and above all; I repay loyalty in kind and I NEVER abandon my friends
Israel’s contribution to our collective goal of eradicating terrorism and protecting its citizen’s AT ALL COSTS is something we CAN NOT take lightly.
Israel has been a stalwart ally, has stood with the US against enemies both seen and unseen. She sits at the center of a powder keg that is the Middle East, yet she alone wages war against those who seek to destroy us both.
Her contribution to our continued safety is unknown to the average American. Due to her constant security needs, Israel has tremendous expertise in homeland security, from border patrol and airport security to counter-terrorism. Because of the strong relationship our countries share, American leaders travel there regularly to benefit from Israeli knowledge in these areas, bringing back what they learn to make our country more secure.
American troops in combat are safer because of the U.S.-Israel relationship. Israeli-created equipment protects our troops. Israel has developed unmanned drones that gives America invaluable intelligence without risking American lives and also supplies the armored plating that keeps American tanks safe. Israel helps America so much that Joe Biden said, “If Israel didn’t exist, we’d have to create it out of our own naked self-interest”.
She is strategically positioned in the region to be either; an agent of change (with our committed support) or in harm’s way (without it).
The most critical part of the U.S.-Israel relationship is the dependability of Israel. Bottom line; democracies are just more reliable allies, and as the only functioning democracy in the region, Israel has been closely allied with the United States since its creation. The Israeli government's a close relationship with America is simply a representation of the Israeli people’s love for the U.S.
Yet, the US sits on its hands and our ‘government’ refuses to side with our sister in her ongoing war with Palestine.
Obama flaps his ever-moving lips but doesn’t stand behind his words. He sets up a “no-fly zone” over Libya, and then does nothing to enforce it. Why are we even engaging in a dialogue with Gaddafi? What’s more, why are we still consulting the UN? They have historically proven themselves diametrically opposed to virtually every ideal our great country was founded upon.
For Christ sakes, even France has drawn its line in the sand. FRANCE, people, FRANCE. The same fair-weathered friend who abandoned US: Not. Too. Long. Ago. What does that say of America?
France, Britain, Canada, Qatar and other countries have indicated that they are prepared to take part in enforcement of a no-fly zone and Washington has said: “The US will play a role.”
When did we go from the champions of LIBERTY; the defenders of FREEDOM; to “playing a role” in enforcing the agreed upon rules of the game?
WHEN DID WE GET IN THE BACK SEAT? And just who is now driving the car?
I realize that travelling IS exhausting and I, too, often feel as if I need a respite upon returning from a vacation, but I’M NOT THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT.
According to FOX News “His Highness El-Sayyid Idris Abdullah Al-Senussi, nephew of His Majesty King Idris of Libya and the son of His Highness El-Sayyid Abdallah Abed Al-Senussi, made a statement exclusively obtained by Fox supporting military action against Qaddafi.”
"I strongly support the military actions taken by coalition forces against Muammar al-Qaddafi," Al Senussi said. "I wish to commend the French forces along with the other coalition nations participating in Operation Odyssey Dawn. I also wish to commend the Arab League for their historic resolution condemning Muammar al-Qaddafi and calling for a no-fly zone in Libya that lead to the U.N. adopting resolution 1973."
"On behalf of the Libyan people I remain committed to supporting the provisional government with the goal of achieving a free democracy with open and free elections for all of Libya."
When did WE become part of “the other’s?”
At what point did America give up the ghost, relinquish control then roll over and play dead in the never-ending battle between good and evil? How did it happen that we checked out right when the team needed us most of all?
I said it before so humour me now: Egypt was the pre-game show; it was merely the coming attractions...you and I are alive at a crossroads in time. So the world watches and waits anxiously, while a region erupts after its repressed people decide they’ll be kept down no more.
And idly by we stand, failing to either nurture or support that which we vowed to stand before GOD to defend.
Israel is in harm’s way without American support. She is strong and proud, but even the proud can fall.
On Americans’ darkest day in recent history, Israel stood with us. When other countries in the region cheered and burned American flags after 9/11, Israelis poured out on the streets to mourn the loss of their American brethren. Jerusalem has one of the few 9/11 memorials outside America. Israelis stood by America on her darkest day and still stands with US today. She has remained a reliable ally and trusted friend to our country.
Israel has remained true to our alliance; it’s time America did the same.
May God Bless us Both.
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.