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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Chrome Off A Chevy

From Marc Nestmann via Preserving your Privacy and Wealth published on Sept 16, 2010: “ARE INDEPENDENT THINKER’S MENTALLY ILL?” Do you question authority? Fail to accept conventional wisdom? Lose your temper when you hear a politician make a promise that you know he or she can’t keep? If so, you may be mentally ill, according to the most recent revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In this revision, psychiatrists hope to add dozens of new mental disorders. Unfortunately, many of these so-called illnesses target people who merely think or behave differently from the majority population. A case in point is “oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).” DSM defines ODD as “an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior toward authority figures.” Symptoms include losing one’s temper, annoying people and being “touchy.” Other “disorders” include antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism and narcissism. Sounds like many of my readers! While diagnosis of ODD “victims” focuses on children, there’s no reason why ODD can’t exist in adults. Indeed, ODD can evolve into “conduct disorder” (CD), which DSM defines as “wherein the rights of others or social norms are violated.” Uh-oh. So violating “social norms” is now a mental illness as well. Let’s connect the dots, shall we? There’s a long and sordid history of governments using psychiatry for political repression. In the Soviet Union, thousands of political prisoners were detained in mental hospitals. There they were isolated from friends and family, and many cases, forcibly medicated. Nazi Germany went even further: it murdered over 180,000 psychiatric patients. Laws in most states allow child protective services agencies to forcibly medicate your children. Indeed, if you fail to administer drugs ordered by a physician or have your children submit to vaccinations, you can be imprisoned. As The Washington Post observed: “If seven-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality.” The conversion of personality differences into psychiatric disorders, and the forced medication of children, is a dangerous trend. It is but a short step to extend these laws to adults who have a pattern of “negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures.” I’d prefer a different approach: institutionalizing the psychiatrists that came up with all these new disorders. Perhaps we could call their condition “overmedication psychosis.” And those of us with ODD, CD, or who simply don’t like the government telling us how to live our lives could breathe a bit easier. I say, “BULLSHIT TO THIS”; I'm in school to be a shrink, but according to these new guidelines; I need a treating physician, as well (not that I don't ALREADY have one.) I believe it’s just another way to "label" a new population and qualify them for the government teat. BULLSHIT!!! By the end of Oblahblah’s admin; he’ll have us so addicted to gov’t cheese that we’ll have to vote him back into office just to get our fix. Let’s take a closer look at what we’re evolving to: Food Stamps, Extended Unemployment, Easy access Welfare, Excuse Makers and Excuse Takers and of course; Universal Healthcare (which I’m still not sure that most American’s fail to realize; if they have a job, it ain’t gonna be free FOR THEM. They are mandated by BIG government to buy it and if they don’t it’s the shiny metal bracelets for them. Then when they’re locked up and lose the job that they were so lucky to have even had to begin with; we can get just a few more sheep sucking off the government nipple. We need to CAP entitlements!!! Pull back on what’s covered. Why should those who live with their hand out be eating filet mignon why me and mine are eating chuck steak? With the 9.7 unemployment rate, food stamps and the fact that so few of us are actually even paying our mortgages; we’ve become a country of, “gimmes.” Give me THIS and give me THAT. “Hell to the NO, I ain’t working (after all this time off; I’ve forgotten how.) And why even would I, when I can get it for free?” That’s not what made America great and unless the pendulum swings back real soon; we’ll NEVER BE GREAT AGAIN. GOD BLESS AMERICA; LETS GET HER BACK!!! JG Gordon original post at NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.