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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feed the World, Save the Children, but Ignore the Dying in Our Streets

How do you spell "hypocrisy?" L-I-B-E-R-A-L. I can't even be in the same room as one of 'em. Not that I'm a Republican, but if I had to choose, rather a Republican I'd be. It's almost like the left is just so bitter, so angry, that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that their side has done more to destroy this country in the year Barak's been in control, then the Republican's managed to do in the previous 8 years. We're hemorrhaging money at breakneck speed (not an unexpected consequence of a Democratic government, though particularly troubling considering the current state of the economy.) He has not kept one campaign promise and with the multitude and vast array he made, you would have thought it likely he could have fulfilled even ONE by now. He's weakened our national security; friggin' green-lighted the trying of the 911 TERRORISTS in Federal Courts, guaranteeing them the same rights and protection as a US citizen, as well as a bully pulpit to spew their anti-American rhetoric. He plays more golf and takes more vacations than my retired father. As I accurately recall, there was a life and death crisis with the bank bailout, which led to giving money to the corporations who helped create the crisis, with no strings attached. Those banks then went out and started buying other banks, giving bonuses, etc., with no accountability. Then we realized it was just a way for Obama to take over the financial industry. Next came the stimulus crisis, where the stimulus HAD to pass immediately, without anyone reading it, or we'd all die, or worse! It was going to save jobs. It was going to create jobs. It was going to do all kinds of wonderful things. It had to be passed immediately. Eight months later, my boyfriend is still unemployed (and he’s a doctor.) We then saw that money was actually squandered on political paybacks to those who supported Obama. It was being squandered with no accountability. It created NO jobs, nor did it save many, if any. Not only that, but once Obama had the bill ready to be signed, despite the dire urgency, he didn't even sign it for several days! Yet another LIE! And another power grab. Obama hasn't yet released even half of the money from that he stole from the American people, but rather, is holding onto it until he needs it to corrupt the upcoming elections. Obama will be using it for his Dollars for Votes plan, again. Our dollars for his votes. Kind of like he did to get Landrieus's vote for cloture on his Commie Care nightmare. The stimulus turned out to be another power grab by Obama, and remember, it was earth shatteringly urgent, until Obama had the votes. Coincidentally enough, the same thing happened in the auto bailout. You remember that crisis, right? The one that precipitated Obama's firing of CEO's and defrauding secured bondholders out of their investments, with no constitutional authority to do so. He restructured GM and gave away Chrysler. He supplanted the interests of the investors, who legally were supposed to be the first to be protected in a bankruptcy, with the unions, who had no right to leapfrog the LAW and end up with a huge equity stake in the company. Once again, the whole GM bailout was a poorly disguised power grab by the left, and payback to the corrupt, leftist unions. It was of utmost necessity that it be done immediately!!!! Anyone see a pattern here? Now we come to Obama's Commie Care, and once again, the dire consequences if we don't pass it immediately! Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have indulged in every possible lie and hyperbole to convince the nation of the desperate need for Kevorkian Care, and have failed to convince the majority. So they twisted arms, threatened, and paid senators off to get the bill to the floor, because as we all know, we have to HURRY, yet again. The strange thing is, like with the stimulus, all of a sudden the Whitehouse, and the leftists who propagandize for them, like Corn, are not in such a hurry anymore. Corn is advising a relaxed pace. Take your time. And so on. Why would that be? What about the dying children with no health care? Well, as with the other power grabs, the health care scam, which is the largest power grab of all, will take a little time to properly position to get the maximum communistic control. Watching the Marxists in this nightmare, from Corn, to Obama, is like watching a giant Boa Constrictor that is trying to crush and kill a large animal. It is in a hurry to swallow the animal, but must make sure it is dead, and then position itself properly for its gluttonous attempt at swallowing it whole. Corn is advising a cold, deliberate pace. No need to get hasty, now that they got the bill to the floor. Couple more palms to grease before they can ensure a victory. Like a snake, the left is big on the quick strike, but once they think the prey is under their control, they can become quite deliberate, even slow in swallowing the victim. Swallowing America's Freedom is not something that can be hurried, and now that the snake is confident it is in control, it is willing to takes it's time, to a certain extent. The Progressive snake likes to hurry the kill so it can dine at its leisure, but it is never really sated regardless the size of meal. The thirst of the left for more and more power is unquenchable. Cap and Tax is the next thing that their rapacity for power will have their forked tongues flickering over. And it will be urgent, after all, it's the environment! We can't wait, or we'll all die!!! The condescending, self-righteous delusions of the left must stop. They are killing everything that made this country great. And when it's gone, who will they have left to blame? original post at NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. 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