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Friday, March 28, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls

It's a shame, considering the alternative, but I think it's probably curtains for the Clinton's. Ironically, it appears that they may have even split their own throats.

They just keep playing their cards wrong. It is a well established fact that Americans treat Obama with the reverence due a demi-god. Even when he is caught smack-dab in the middle of, what would be for any other politician, a career ending scandal, he somehow slides under it, to come out clean on the other side.

Armed with this knowledge, the Clinton camp should have doubled-up efforts to remain above the fray. They needed to refrain from any attacks until Obama launched the first negative ad. By Hillary hitting first, all it did was serve as a reminder of the ruthless Clinton years. It gave us a refresher course on the Win-At-All-Costs bunker mentality that pervades their whole political visage.

You can see it now in Hillary's face. She's aged 10 years since the start of this. Her hunger for power has exhausted her and etched her face with its need. Their past is coming back to haunt them. There are just way too many bodies buried in the Clinton backyard, it seems, for her to ever be able to beat a man with no past. As further evidence of the kid gloves handling proffered to Obama, I watched and listened in sheer amazement to John McCain's response when asked for his opinion of the whole Jeremiah Wright fiasco. McCain's response was that he knew Barak Obama and did not feel that Barak personally believed such things.

WTF? Now, assuming that Obama will be his opponent in the coming presidential race, I would have expected him to take such an opportunity and use it to his advantage, not give the guy a pass. The latest slap in the face is the rebuff from Nancy Pelosi in response to a letter sent to the speaker from a group of major contributors to the Democratic Party. They criticized her for statements she made saying superdelegates should support the presidential candidate with the most pledged delegates (citizen votes).

They strongly encouraged her to back away from previous comments and reaffirm that superdelegates should be free to back whichever candidate they believe would be the party's best nominee, not necessarily the will of the people. Now, it's well known that I think the whole concept of "superdelegates" is unconstitutional. Why should any one American's vote weigh more heavily in determining an election's outcome? That aside, I think Pelosi (the one most convinced of her own importance) is loath to see Hillary win the nomination and then the election, as well because she doesn't want to give up being the most powerful female in Washington.

Sources said Pelosi was infuriated by the implied threat that the donors would quit giving cash to the committee. In a public display of defiance, the speaker of the House would not back down and continues to insist that superdelegates respect "the decisions of millions of Americans who have voted," her aide Brendan Daly said.

Lately, Billary have been getting it from every angle. Sadly, it's all undoubtedly well deserved. What scares me is that because of their past transgressions, there's a good possibility that we're going to end up with an untested, unproven, random unknown running this country into the ground.
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