I know it’s been a while since my last update, but honestly, like the rest of you; I’ve just been sitting here dumb-founded. Mouth agape as each successive day bleeds into the next. While idly by, those we voted in, who SWORE to fight to regain, and to protect our Constitutional rights, sit on their hands, shrug their shoulders and for all intents and purposes have blended seamlessly into to the Washington as usual routine that they swore throughout their campaigning to rage against.
It’d be too overwhelming to cover all the corruption that has continued unchecked—running rampant throughout this administration. So lets just focus on two of the over-riding issues I see as central to the illustration of my point of just how disconnected obumbum is from the desires and will of the American People. He is a lone-wolf renegade hell-bent on ramming his socialist agenda through Congress before we hand him his walking paper in 2012.
First off is the federal government’s continued legal challenge against state crackdowns on illegal immigration. After suing Arizona and Alabama over their strict immigration laws, the Obama administration is seriously weighing whether to legally challenge similar measures in four other states.
“To the extent we find state laws that interfere with the federal government’s enforcement of immigration law, we are prepared to bring suit,” said Justice Department spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa. “The department is currently reviewing immigration-related laws that were passed in Utah, Indiana, Georgia and South Carolina.”
“In reviewing these, the department is proceeding consistently with the process followed and the legal principles established in United States v. Arizona,” she said. “Based on that review and applying those principles, the United States will decide whether and when to bring suit challenging particular state laws.”
Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees federal immigration policy, criticized the administration’s move.
“The administration should be working with states, not against them, to enforce our immigration laws,” he said. “This latest attempt to challenge a state’s efforts to enforce the rule of law, while turning a blind eye to cities and states that knowingly harbor illegal immigrants through sanctuary policies, is undermining the very same rule of law that our country was built on.”
Arizona set the stage last year for the epic battle between the states and the federal government over cracking down on illegal immigration. Arizona passed its law in April 2010 after years of complaints that the federal government hasn’t done enough to assist Arizona, the nation’s busiest illegal entry point, with border security. The legislation inspired protests, led to lawsuits seeking to overturn the law and sparked a debate about whether the law would lead to racial profiling. I briefly discussed Arizona’s immigration law SB1070 back in August, 2010
A federal judge blocked the most controversial parts of Arizona's law last year after the U.S. Department of Justice sued, arguing the law intrudes on the federal government's exclusive powers to regulate immigration. A federal appeals court judge upheld the decision and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The other immigration laws are similar but have their differences.
Georgia passed its law in May. But a month later, a federal judge blocked parts that penalize people who knowingly and willingly transport or harbor illegal immigrants while committing another crime and other parts that authorize officers to verify the immigration status of someone who can’t provide proper identification (WHAT?!!)
In March, Utah passed a softer version of Arizona’s law, requiring people to prove their citizenship if they’re arrested for serious crimes – ranging from certain drug offenses to murder – while giving police discretion to check citizenship after traffic infractions and other lesser offenses.
But a federal judge temporarily blocked it in May on the same day it was to go into effect.
In June, South Carolina passed its law that requires police in South Carolina to call federal immigration officials if someone is suspected of being in the country illegally. It also creates a new police force to enforce a law that would also make it a felony to make fake photographic identification for illegal immigrants. People convicted of that felony could face $25,000 fines and five years in prison. It doesn’t take effect until January.
Indiana passed its law in May, which required public employers and state contractors to verify workers’ immigration status using the federal government’s E-Verify system. But a federal judge blocked parts of it the following month, saying it was the latest failed effort of states to deal with a primarily federal issue.
On Wednesday, a federal judge refused to block key parts of Alabama’s law that requires public schools to verify the citizenship status of students and report statistics to the state, among other things. U.S. District Judge Sharon Blackburn said that some parts of the law are in conflict with federal statues, but others aren’t.
She said federal law doesn’t prohibit checking students or suspects pulled over by police. She also refused to stop provisions that allow police to hold suspected illegal immigrants without bond; bar state courts from enforcing contracts involving illegal immigrants; make it a felony for an illegal immigrant to do business with the state; and make it a misdemeanor for an illegal resident not to have immigration papers. (FoxNews.com, September 30, 2011).
Kudos to Justice Blackburn, shame on the rest of them. I haven’t yet found the names of the federal judges above who blocked key parts of their respective states reformed immigration bills from taking effect, but when I do, and you can bet your bottom that I will, I’ll give you 10:1 odds that they were Oblahblah appointees.
Maybe this is obozo’s way of finally keeping with his campaign promise of transparency. It’s fairly obvious that the attempts to thwart/circumvent our immigration laws are just a poorly disguised ruse by the thief-in-charge and his minions to “legalize” enough voters for the 2012 election. It’s a blatant attempt to give themselves any possible foothold--even one dangling off the side of a crumbling cliff.
Their “hope” is that, when combined with all the dead citizens they revived to pull the lever, along with those imbued with rights evidently not granted en masse via the Constitution to have their vote count more than once, they’ll have effectively secured a win. And then on Sunday, January 20, 2013 the betrayer-in-chief will once again stand with one traitorous hand on a Bible in which he doesn’t believe and hollowly repeat the words specified in Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight of the Constitution:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
I wonder if this time he’ll get it right on his first try or if like in 2009 the presidential oath will need to be taken a second time "out of an abundance of caution," because when it was administered to President Obama the first time, in the public inauguration ceremony, the word "faithfully" was misplaced.
The second bald-faced scam foisted on our populace is the Solyndra Clean Energy Fund that I predicted would be bankrupt by November of 2011, well…they beat me to the punch and managed to spend more tax-payer money than even I thought they were capable of. This is the liberal scam of all scams, hatched by Al Gore and held near and dear to the democratic/progressive lefts fear-mongering tactics to keep their sticky fingers in our ever-emptying pockets to fund the shell corporations designed to fail, and take our hard-earned tax dollars with it.
The whole thing is terribly confusing by design in order to keep the average American from fully comprehending the total fiasco this “investment” was from the beginning. Even I, who can’t even balance my checkbook, predicted as much in my post published July 5th, 2010 http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com/2010/07/what-clusterfk.html.
Below is the long and short of it as reported by FOX News:
As the Energy Department moves to finalize the last remaining loan guarantees from a controversial clean-energy fund, the federal government is on pace to put up more than $6 million for every permanent job saved or created by the program.
As of late Friday afternoon, the program that doled out money to now-bankrupt solar firm Solyndra has backed up $16 billion in clean-energy loans. And although the program, which expires Friday, aims to wean the country off fossil fuels and build up the alternative power industry, it has been touted as a jobs generator.
The loan guarantees do not necessarily represent an actual government payment -- they are a commitment by the government to assume debt if a company or project goes under. But in the case of Solyndra, the government ended up lending $528 million, with taxpayers on the hook in the wake of the bankruptcy.
For all the money the federal government is putting on the line to support renewable energy projects that administration officials say are the key to winning the future, the program has saved or created about 2,500 permanent jobs. That's $6.4 million per job.
The numbers come from Department of Energy figures reviewed by FoxNews.com. If temporary construction jobs are lumped in, the jobs total rises to more than 16,700.Counting all jobs; the government is still committing the equivalent of nearly $1 million per job.
The number of jobs pegged to each project varies widely. A $197 million loan guarantee for an Oregon solar panel firm was estimated to create or save 500 permanent jobs. A separate $737 million loan guarantee finalized this week for a Nevada solar facility was tied to just 45 permanent jobs -- as well as 600 construction jobs. A $646 million loan guarantee being announced Friday for a California solar facility is projected to fund 20 permanent jobs and 350 construction jobs.
"Where are the jobs?" Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., chairman of the House panel looking into the Solyndra case, said in a statement Friday. "Here we have a stimulus program in its final hours with DOE poised to rush billions out the door, yet the latest $646 million loan creates just 20 permanent operations jobs -- that's $32 million per job!"
The Department of Energy argues the tally is actually much higher when other programs are factored in. The department's loan office administers three different programs and in a statement earlier this month estimated they've created or saved about 44,000 jobs total. That tally factors in construction jobs, as well as the 33,000 jobs the administration claims were saved by a Ford loan through a program designed to support emerging vehicle technologies.
Federal officials indicate the program is not just about creating jobs. Administration officials have stressed the program is meant to help the United States expand on its relatively modest foothold in the clean-energy market.
Jonathan Silver, director of the Department of Energy Loan Programs Office, testified before a House committee investigating the matter that China is home to five of the 10 largest solar manufacturers, and Asia as a whole is home to seven of them. The United States, he said, is home to just two.
"It is in this context that we should discuss the Solyndra transaction," he said, describing the program as a matter of national interest.
"Developing a robust clean-energy manufacturing sector in the United States is critical to our long-term national interests, and one of the most important tools as our global competitors have already learned is low-cost financing effectively targeted and deployed," he said. "We invented this technology, and we should produce it here."
A department statement also said the program is designed to encourage others in the private sector to take their own financial risks and back similar projects.
Though Solyndra went bust, administration officials say they have been conducting extensive analysis on the remaining loans. The department said in a statement that every application "has undergone many months of due diligence." The department said analysts are evaluating applications to make sure they are "commercially viable."
A few of the commitments offered by the Department of Energy are partial guarantees. The loan guarantees cover everything from solar to wind to geothermal projects, many of which are based in Western states.
And yet, as with everything attached to this corrupt administration, the more we peel the onion, the more layers of fraudulent backdoor, underhanded dealings we uncover.
Just one day before the controversial federal loan program that backed bankrupt solar company Solyndra was to end, a Spanish-owned firm received a $132 million loan guarantee.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced Thursday that Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass would receive the guarantee to support the development of a commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plant that is estimated to create 300 construction jobs and 65 permanent jobs in Kansas.
“Investing in a domestic advanced biofuels industry will help us compete in a growing, global clean energy economy while creating jobs in rural communities across the country,” Energy Secretary Steven Chu said. “At the same time, these investments will help us reduce carbon emissions and decreases our dependence on oil.”
The company is a subsidiary of Abengoa Bioenergy US Holding, Inc., which is part of the Spanish engineering firm Abengoa.
Abengoa has also received more than $2.6 billion in federal loan guarantees from the Energy Department for two power-generating complexes, with the most recent $1.2 billion guarantee closing just this month.
An Energy Department official underscored to FoxNews.com that the loan guarantees are for projects, not the companies, and that the projects have to be in the U.S. creating jobs.
The official added, "The fact that most windmill manufacturers are foreign-owned companies is the reason why we need to be investing in the capability to be doing these things at home."
Created under President Obama’s 2009 stimulus, the Energy Department’s $38.6 billion loan guarantee program aimed to ignite the nation’s clean energy sector. But the program, which ends Friday, has come under intense scrutiny since the first recipient, Solyndra, filed for bankruptcy this month, leaving taxpayers on the hook for $528 million. Federal authorities are now investigating the company.
The Energy Department approved three more loan guarantees Friday totaling about $3.5 billion. The Arizona-based First Solar Inc. received a $1.5 billion loan guarantee for a 550-megawatt solar farm on federal land in Southern California and Exelon Corp. received $646 million for a 230-megawatt solar plant near Los Angeles.
A third project worth $1.4 billion will support installation of about 750 solar rooftop panels in 28 states.
"In a last-minute mad dash to beat the stimulus deadline, DOE today rushed out an unprecedented tidal wave of taxpayer dollars -- and the question still remains, where are the jobs?" said Rep. Cliff Stearns, chairman of the House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.
"American taxpayers are already on the hook for half a billion dollars for the sins of Solyndra -- what surprises does DOE have in store from today's rush job?" he said.
Abengoa’s press releases tout the thousands of construction and other jobs that the two projects receiving $2.6 billion in federal loan guarantees will create. But the Energy Department’s own website reveals that the projects – one in the Mojave Desert in California, the other southwest of Phoenix –will permanently employ no more than 130 people after completion.
According to its 2010 annual report, Abengoa’s entire staff worldwide was 526 employees.
My final thought before I retire for the night has to do with the “alledged” capture and swift execution of the American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is believed by many to have been the second in command behind bin Laden in the Al Qaeda heiarchy. According to reports, Al Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born cleric killed Friday, sought to use weapons of mass destruction to attack westerners in his role as chief of external operations for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, according to a senior U.S. official.
There’s two points I feel compelled to make regarding these alleged reports. First and foremost is that idiot Ron Paul’s response, “Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, cried foul Friday over the killing of a radical U.S.-born cleric in Yemen without a trial, joining a chorus of civil liberties groups raising "due process" concerns over the drone attack.” He goes on to say, “No one likes these kind of people, but I also like the rule of law and I like our Constitution, that you don't just target people, assassinate them, someone who has not been charged and you have no proof of anything," Paul told Fox News. "So if we want to protect American citizens from that type of justice, we have to be more cautious."
The second and final point that I want to make on this issue is that I have some serious doubts that al-Awlaki was ever captured/killed. I think the Obumbler lie machine is cranked up into over-drive in an attempt to be able to point to some (any) area of administrative success before they have to start rolling out the dead bodies again for the 2012 election. I predict between now and November, we’ll be hearing near daily reports of some high-ranking Al Qaeda operative being either captured or killed.
He can’t run on his ZERO-GROWTH JOBS PLAN, the sustained 9.7% unemployment rate that reached its apex and has virtually held steady since the day he was sworn in. His legacy of a healthcare reform act has devolved into such a polarizing issue in our country that even if he manages to buy off enough justices to have the thing declared constitutional (which it TOTALLY isn’t); it will effectively serve to completely destroy the only remaining superior healthcare system in the world. When’s the last time you heard of anybody flying to Canada for intricately involved open-heart surgery? My point exactly.