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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We're In The WRONG Gear!!!

With so much that has occurred in the two weeks since my last posting; I’m changing up the topics in this, Part Two of this series. Suffice is to say, it has been more than strongly suggested by members of both parties that the Obama Administration’s refusal to lift the Jones Act, mostly has to do with protecting the pocketbooks of his union allies by keeping foreign vessels at bay. The Jones Act is part of The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 is a United States Federal statute that regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports. Section 27, also known as the Jones Act, deals with cabotage (i.e., coastal shipping) and requires that all goods transported by water between U.S. ports be carried in U.S.-flag ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens, and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents. The purpose of the law is to support the U.S. Maritime industry, sources. In addition, amendments to the Jones Act, known as the Cargo Preference Act provide permanent legislation for the transportation of waterborne cargoes in U.S.-flag vessels. Still, the issue is now seemingly moot seeing as how the Comrade in Chief did finally lift the act, no matter how late in the game, BP managed to cap the leak and the Gulf is thankfully in the process of being restored to its previous pristine condition. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of its inhabitants. It’s being reported that over 20,000 jobs have been lost due to the six-month drilling ban in the Gulf that has been enacted. Unemployment is already at its peak in US history with over half a million Americans (and if the idiot has his way, soon a few hundred thousand illegal’s) filing for unemployment benefits last week alone. That in mind, how sound of an executive decision does it seem to impose these restrictions to appease his tree-hugger friends, etc? Moving on…Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, in my opinion, has the worst job in the world. He is basically paid to look like a bumbling idiot as a red herring to smoke and mirrors the fact that it is his boss, Obumbler, who is actually Le’ Incompetent. He appeared on Fox and Friends this morning and was interviewed by Gretchen Carlson. When Carlson asked Gibbs if tonight the President will admit that the surge worked, the Press secretary replied that Obama always said that putting 20,000 more troops on the ground would work. Unfortunately for Gibbs, just before the interview, Carlson showed the audience a video where Candidate Obama said that adding the troops would not work. Caught in a "misstatement" Gibbs went on the defensive and the fun ensued, including Carlson asking if President Obama was going to credit President Bush tonight during his speech for the success in Iraq--five times. Instead of answering the question, Gibbs counted the number of times Carlson asked. "That's the second time you asked the question...third...etc.” Predictably, Gretchen never got her answer, and so neither did we. It’s being predicted that in his address to the nation tonight, Obama will announce that all US troops will be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. That, however, begs the question; with just around 50,000 troops still on the ground there and still no coherent government to speak of, with violence and upheaval at its highest rate in the 7.5 years we’ve been there; are we just abandoning a region whose soil is still fertile for terrorism? Finally, last week while Osama, err…Obama took his 9th, 10th, 11th??? vacation since taking office (I can understand; I need a nap after power-spending at the mall. Difference is; I’m spending my own money), the House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) called Tuesday for the mass firing of the Obama administration's economic team, including Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and White House adviser Larry Summers, arguing that November's midterm elections are shaping up as a referendum on sustained unemployment across the nation and saying the "writing is on the wall." Boehner said President Obama's team lacks "real-world, hands-on experience" in creating jobs that are needed for a full economic recovery. The Republican lawmaker cited reports that some senior aides complained of "exhaustion," including the recently departed budget Chief Peter Orszag. "President Obama should ask for - and accept - the resignations of the remaining members of his economic team, starting with Secretary Geithner and Larry Summers, the head of the National Economic Council," Boehner said in the morning speech to business leaders at the City Club of Cleveland. The mass dismissal, he added, would be "no substitute for a referendum on the president's job-killing agenda. That question will be put before the American people in due time. But we do not have the luxury of waiting months for the president to pick scapegoats for his failing 'stimulus' policies." Vice President Biden lashed back at Boehner, called his "so-called" economic plan nothing but a list of what Republicans are against and devoid of innovative new ideas that can help move the country forward. If this is forward; I’d hate to see reverse. JGG original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.comNEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.