OK, I’m having a hard time letting this issue go, so I’m going to devote an entire post to it.
Did anyone else watch Juan Williams host “The Factor” last night on Fox News? O’Reilly (who’s proved himself to be more than just a cantankerous old guy; bloated with opinion); handed Williams the keys to the kingdom and, in my humble opinion, Mr. Williams hit a homerun.
I just hope Juan manages to keep that fire in his belly and that his ire remains after the wound has stopped stinging. Hopefully and seemingly; if his comments last night are any indication, Mr. Williams’ eyes have been opened to the truth about the democratic left. And that the hypocrisy that governs and guides them has been laid on the table and is a lesson he won’t soon forget.
There’s a reason why we’re called, the “right.”
That said, let’s get into it.
Vivian Schiller, the President and CEO of NPR (the woman who not only was so tactless as to fire Williams over the phone-after 10 years of faithful service), but then went on to hold a press conference about it where she suggested Juan discuss his fear of Muslims with his psychiatrist (inferring that he’s mentally ill.) According to what Juan reported on Fox last night, Ms. Schiller had issued a public apology (which I still cannot find footage or even a record of), but has yet to reach out to him, privately.
If I was Juan, I wouldn’t accept her apology, anyway. It’d be hollow and forced and she’d only be saying it because she knows her job is on the line.
Putting aside, for a minute, how ineptly and unprofessionally she handled Mr. Williams’s dismissal; let’s focus on the further reaching impact of her glib words. Talk about insensitivity to those suffering from mental illness. The smirk that accompanied her thoughtless remarks seemed to convey that she either doesn’t take mental illness very seriously, or she knows nothing about it.
As angry as I am over this whole thing, I’m just as bothered by the incident that precipitated it. It was Bill O’Reilly’s comment that Muslims were responsible for 9/11 when he was a guest on The View and the theatrical exit of Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar in protest of what they considered to be a prejudiced statement against Muslims.
Obviously, the resulting fall-out was mild in comparison to how NPR handled Juan Williams’ statement, but it just illustrates how “political correctness;” fueled primarily by liberalism has transformed our country into a rigid landscape of intolerance. Those who adhere to it seem utterly incapable of accepting or even recognizing any opposing opinions, attitudes or ideas.
And in what has to be the ultimate display of hypocrisy; Whoopi released a statement lambasting NPR for firing Williams over his comment. Let’s keep in mind, this comes from a woman who felt it acceptable even necessary to walk off her set in the wake of a statement of fact from O’Reilly; yet defends Juan’s expression of opinion.
That’s where the libutards get it wrong. Both of their comments are equally protected under the first amendment. And taking into account the blatant disregard by NPR of that constitutional protection, I do believe our government needs to cut funding to them as a way of sending a strong message to the rest of the far left “mainstream” media that freedom of speech must not be impinged upon.
NPR claims that only 2% of their annual budget comes from our government, but that 2% comes to about 90 million dollars (nothing to sneeze at.) If it’s such a drop-in-the-bucket for them; they should forego it. PBS (another taxpayer supported media outlet) garnered approximately $400 million in Federal subsidies in 2009. We need to put an end to state-sponsored broadcasting, especially when the networks we’re funding reflect only a one-sided political view.
According to the NPR website:
A very small percentage -- between one percent to two percent of NPR's annual budget -- comes from competitive grants sought by NPR from federally funded organizations, such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
This is “technically” true within the narrowest of definitions, but grossly over-simplified and misleading.
Separating so-called “competitive grants" from the final tally is not an accurate accounting of NPR’s federal funding. They receive substantial money from the CPB – through its member stations. NPR Inc’s 2007 financial statement documents that $65 million of the $169 million in total reported earnings from that year came from "station programming fees" and another $2 million came from "membership dues." Meaning, member stations “affiliates” receive grants through CPB, which they then send back to Washington (NPR) to pay for dues and programming. Keep in mind, that’s at least $67 million additional dollars on top of the “2.5%” NPR is copping to.
NPR claims the member stations receive only 13 percent of their revenue (on average) from CPB, but the federal funds sloshing through the NPR system are substantial, not as insignificant a percentage of their operating budget as they’d like us to believe.
If you’re as outraged by all of this as I am, please take a moment to log onto http://www.NPR.org and let them know. It takes less than five minutes to register. Please direct your comments and emails to the Ombudsman (the one put in charge of arbitrating this whole thing.) Let them know how you feel about the handling of this whole situation and let’s hit them where they’ll really feel it. This is their annual “fund-raising” weekend. Send your donations elsewhere and ask others to do the same!!!
This issue is bigger than Juan Williams or Bill O’Reilly. It’s about preserving the freedoms granted to every American. For if they’re threatened for one of us; they’re under attack for us all.
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Freedoms Just Another Word For...
Well, well, well…we are fast approaching the moment of truth. November 2nd; the day of reckoning is nearly upon us. Yet, there’s no rest for the weary, as we still have much work to do to restore our country back to the vision of our fore-fathers.
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Freedom's Just Another Word For...
Well, well, well…we are fast approaching the moment of truth. November 2nd; the day of reckoning is nearly upon us. Yet, there’s no rest for the weary, as we still have much work to do to restore our country back to the vision of our fore-fathers.
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER?
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER?
Freedom's Just Another Word For...
Well, well, well…we are fast approaching the moment of truth. November 2nd; the day of reckoning is nearly upon us. Yet, there’s no rest for the weary, as we still have much work to do to restore our country back to the vision of our fore-fathers.
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Let’s take a closer look at some of more “interesting” campaigns.
In NY, where I live; I think it’s safe to say that Andrew Cuomo could be wheeled in on life support, and still beat Carl Paladino by a landslide. What a train-wreck the Paladino campaign spiraled into.
To be fair, Paladino is a businessman, not a politician, but it looks like he never even bothered reading the Cliff notes to Politics 101. Talk about a loose-cannon, he pops his top at the slightest provocation (and Cuomo knows EVERY button to push.) To tell the truth, I’m surprised that Cuomo is still spending money to run his ads here on TV, since Paladino, himself; appears to have taken his ball and gone home.
We also have the distinction of having a seemingly insane auctioneer running for governor here in the Empire State. Jimmy McMillan, who’s running on his self-created, “My Rent Is Too Damn High” ticket, is apparently delusional, as well. It was reported yesterday that the flamboyant would-be politician DOESN’T EVEN PAY RENT. He barter’s handyman work with his buildings owner in exchange for his apartment. But hey, he’d fit right in with all the other scam-artists in Albany…
So, NY appears to be a lost cause.
Dateline: Delaware-Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell (R) appears to have really stepped up her game since that ridiculous ad in which she sought to reassure us all that there was no “Eye of Newt” in her cupboard. Unfortunately, that also means that she won’t be able to abracadabra Delaware’s economy back to health if she succeeds at being elected to that state’s senate.
I do not doubt that an exorbitant amount of coaching went into it, but I truly believe she redeemed herself in that last debate with Chris Coons (D). To me, Coons came across as a typical politician. He failed to even once directly answer any question asked of him. He spoke in platitudes and circled the wagons to the point that, by the time he was done rambling; the viewer could no longer even recall what the question was that he was responding to.
Now I’d like to discuss a topic that really has me bothered. It turns out that numerous Illinois counties failed to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters before the national deadline. If this doesn’t smack of corruption, I don’t know what ever will.
Let’s take a closer look at it: Obama’s administration is presently the most unpopular of all administrations before his. This is a direct result of the way he has ignored the will of the people. The way he and his goons have bullied and coerced voters to manipulate results. How he side-stepped the constitution by appointing Czars instead of political appointees that would have had to of been vetted and confirmed by the Senate, as a way to guarantee that he’d ram his personal agenda through. I could go on and on, but the point is; the pendulum has shifted and Americans are determined to be heard through their vote.
It seems a bit too coincidental that it was in Obama’s state of Illinois that this absentee ballot snafu occurred. Illinois, where corruption is as plentiful as that pseudo-pizza they love so much. And let’s take a minute to state the obvious. Most of the overseas ballots that were mailed late are for our men and women in the military who are, IRONICALLY, over there, putting their LIVES ON THE LINE TO DEFEND THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS THAT WE MAY HAVE SUCH FREEDOMS.
Here’s where it gets tied together; historically, military families have voted Republican and by eliminating their vote, I can only assume, the democrats believed they had a fighting chance at holding on to at least two of our branches of power. That way they could bulldoze their collective list of items through during the lame duck session of Congress after the November 2nd midterm elections.
But it won't be easy for the Democrats to advance their agenda as time runs out, given the slow deliberations of the Senate and the possibility that Republicans will immediately gain more seats in that chamber if they win special elections in West Virginia, Delaware and Illinois. Evidently the Illinois State Board of Elections and the U.S. Department of Justice are in their second day of talks to determine if a resolution can be found. Let’s all hope they resolve it on the side of our brave selfless military personnel.
Next up on the docket: the Bill O’Reilly/Juan Williams drama. I think we’re all up to speed on the overly-reported story of Whoopi and Joy of The View walking off their set in protest to Bill O’Reilly’s statement that “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”—A statement of fact; I might add, and not one of opinion.
Last night Juan was on O’Reilly’s show (as he often is) and made the statement that (paraphrasing here) he gets nervous when he’s traveling on a plane with Muslims. However, he then went on to tell O'Reilly that he had to be "careful" to stress that he was not talking about all Muslims when he criticized some and that America was not at war with Islam. He also compared blaming all Muslims for the actions of extremists to blaming all Christians for the actions of Timothy McVeigh. (O'Reilly responded that he was "done" being careful.)
It’s worth mentioning here that Mr. Williams is, himself; a Democrat. And before this morning, he had been a long-time news-analyst for National Public Radio (NPR.) Unfortunately, and quite possibly unconstitutionally, Juan was fired from NPR for the statement he made on O’Reilly’s show. NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
Here’s the problem; WE THE PEOPLE fund NPR with our tax dollars and we have this little clause in the Constitution called the FIRST AMENDMENT, which guarantees Mr. Williams the right to make such a statements. Just as it protects the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and her ilk to disparage the very country that keeps them free.
Back we go to the First Amendment. My question: why do liberals hide behind it when it suits their needs, yet forget about it completely when confronted by anything that doesn’t gel with their beliefs? It’s not a light switch that can be turned off and on- governed only by necessity, but rather one of the inalienable rights granted to us by our fore-fathers and protected by the Constitution. NPR needs to be shut-down.
And maybe instead of getting all up-in-arms about how sensitive we need to be to foreigners, we could spend a little time focused on what our government is doing to protect IT’S OWN CITIZENS. It's like Arizona is its own nation; fighting to secure its populace and its border all alone. Where is "our" friggin' Federal Government!!!??? Close the damn borders and post the National Guard with orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone seen entering the country by swimming across the Gulf or hopping a fence!!!
How many Americans have to die at the hands of Mexican drug-lords and desperados before our government finally protects its own people in the same fashion they defend the rest of the world.
Next topic: The multiple Wiki-leaks scandals. Who are these traitors among us and what is their motivation for leaking top secret documents to the news media?
Wiki leaks is the brain-child of Australian-born Julian Assange and he and his band of online dissidents have in the past: helped swing the Kenyan Presidential election, embarrassed the US Government, threatened US security, as well as; sparked international scandal. His site provides a safe haven for whistleblowers to anonymously upload confidential documents.
In February of 2009, in what is believed to be the largest leak in US military history, Wiki leaks released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6780 reports, which were current as of then, were comprised of over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation.
And then again in July of this year, the website published tens of thousands of secret documents about the war in Afghanistan. Among the most disturbing news released was the evidence that Pakistan is helping those in Afghanistan who are trying to kill our troops. These leaks compromised US security and put the life of every service personnel over there fighting at further risk.
Again, liberals defend their traitorous ways with the shield of the First Amendment. But they fail to take into account that with freedom; comes responsibility. Whatever their misguided reasons for the choices they make, they have become a real liability to the security of our country.
If they’re allowed to continue to go unchecked, freedom really will be just another word for “nothing left to lose.”
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Hypocrisy
Hello Political Patrol,
Please Re-post!!!
Hello J,
How do we know liberals are getting desperate? Because they are throwing around baseless accusations about leading conservative groups. Like Liberty Central. And because they stopped paying attention to facts and are simply making up stories. All without a shred of evidence.
President Obama himself accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to influence domestic elections. When asked for proof, his top aide said ... and we are not making this up ... "Let's see them prove they're not doing it."
You see, liberals are way behind in the midterm election polls, and they are desperate. And, incredibly, this guilty-till-proven-innocent scheme is the centerpiece of their campaign!
They've used The New York Times - attack dog No.1 in the liberal kennel - to do the same to us at Liberty Central. In a recent editorial and feature story, The Times says we shouldn't be able to raise money unless we publish our legally confidential donor list.
What nonsense!
Liberty Central needs your help. We're two weeks from Election Day. Liberty Central - and our Operation: Restore Liberty, which seeks to highlight key battleground races - is already a strong voice in the conversation about saving our country from the mess we're in and returning to our Constitutional roots. We can't let Operation: Restore Liberty be weakened by this baseless nonsense.
You see, these accusations are perfectly timed to make us use valuable resources to defend ourselves now, just as we're educating the public about the upcoming election. They know that our programs to stop big government and educate voters are making a difference, so they're doing everything they can to stop us.
We can't let them succeed. That is why I am hoping you will consider supporting Liberty Central today with a gift of $35, $65 or even $100. We need your support if we are going to succeed.
We have the momentum and the truth on our side. And with your help, we will take Operation: Restore Liberty to the next level. Your support today will help us educate voters about our founding principles and which legislators support them and which do not. We will be able to train activists all around the country on how they can get involved in the weeks leading up the elections. And most of all, we will be able to return to a more Constitutional Congress.
That is why we need your help. We know we are on the right track when the Left starts throwing baseless accusations our way.
Don't let them derail us from our mission. Help us fight back now. Go to libertycentral.org and contribute today.
Yours in Liberty,
The Liberty Central Team
***I'll deal with this in my next posting.
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com
Please Re-post!!!
Hello J,
How do we know liberals are getting desperate? Because they are throwing around baseless accusations about leading conservative groups. Like Liberty Central. And because they stopped paying attention to facts and are simply making up stories. All without a shred of evidence.
President Obama himself accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to influence domestic elections. When asked for proof, his top aide said ... and we are not making this up ... "Let's see them prove they're not doing it."
You see, liberals are way behind in the midterm election polls, and they are desperate. And, incredibly, this guilty-till-proven-innocent scheme is the centerpiece of their campaign!
They've used The New York Times - attack dog No.1 in the liberal kennel - to do the same to us at Liberty Central. In a recent editorial and feature story, The Times says we shouldn't be able to raise money unless we publish our legally confidential donor list.
What nonsense!
Liberty Central needs your help. We're two weeks from Election Day. Liberty Central - and our Operation: Restore Liberty, which seeks to highlight key battleground races - is already a strong voice in the conversation about saving our country from the mess we're in and returning to our Constitutional roots. We can't let Operation: Restore Liberty be weakened by this baseless nonsense.
You see, these accusations are perfectly timed to make us use valuable resources to defend ourselves now, just as we're educating the public about the upcoming election. They know that our programs to stop big government and educate voters are making a difference, so they're doing everything they can to stop us.
We can't let them succeed. That is why I am hoping you will consider supporting Liberty Central today with a gift of $35, $65 or even $100. We need your support if we are going to succeed.
We have the momentum and the truth on our side. And with your help, we will take Operation: Restore Liberty to the next level. Your support today will help us educate voters about our founding principles and which legislators support them and which do not. We will be able to train activists all around the country on how they can get involved in the weeks leading up the elections. And most of all, we will be able to return to a more Constitutional Congress.
That is why we need your help. We know we are on the right track when the Left starts throwing baseless accusations our way.
Don't let them derail us from our mission. Help us fight back now. Go to libertycentral.org and contribute today.
Yours in Liberty,
The Liberty Central Team
***I'll deal with this in my next posting.
original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.com
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