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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mud Slinging; Thank God I Love Me Some Pork

Big shock. I figured it would be a toss - up between NOI and the black panthers.
She is a ghetto rat and should just get the hell out of this Glorious nation she hates so much.
Leave your American money behind when you go, too...dumb ass.

Beyonce will reportedly receive protection from the Nation of Islam incase police departments around her start refusing to serve her.
beyonce-will-receive-protection-from-the-nation-of-islam/ I Predicted It!!
Jennyfer Gordon
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Robby Ladylyn Lundgren Hates whites but she has bleached skin and fake hair.
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Idris Jackson
Idris Jackson You're ignorant nothing about Beyonce speaks hate. Are you blind to what's going on in this county??
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Jennyfer Gordon Enlighten us. I'm an American by birth, but have spent the last decade in various 3rd world shitholes. Kuwait, Dubai, India, etc. More corrupt governments I have never seen. With less human rights than I ever dreamed imaginable, nor without, I have never lived. So tell me, oh great sage of knowledge outside of being a member of the Truly entitled race {BLACK; less than 2% is actually "African American". You're just a run of the mill plain old black androgynous being. Much like Beyonce. lolololll

The race who, despite every government handout and handup, still chooses to see themselves as the perpetual victim, always thinking they "deserve" more without effort. If you're "African"...go the f*ck back, let us take care of our own. Pathetic. I feel sorry for your Mommy.

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Jennyfer Gordon
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Jennyfer Gordon shared Vox's video.

Vox with Ezra Klein.
America is getting frighteningly close to electing a reality TV star president.
You, Sandy Knox and Julian Niemiec like this.
Jennyfer Gordon

Sandy Knox That's right he is an intelligent, successful Businessman, also a TV Star and NOT a politician. He wants to build a wall to keep out the illegals so our American citizens can get their jobs back, he wants to bring jobs back to America........and he is an American born on American Soil who loves America and did I mention that he is NOT a Politician? Yes, he is my choice to#MakeAmericaGreatAgain, that is what I want.......Thank You, just my opinion.
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Jennyfer Gordon Walls keep things out. How is the wall, which, by the way, Mexico WILL NEVER pay for, going to give American citizens their "jobs" back?

The Mexicans are day laborers, janitors, and busboy's. They do the jobs nobody wants. What good is a $6/hour job going to do for a college grad trying to start a family and pay back student loans?

That argument has more holes than swiss cheese. And if you say, "He'll create jobs by hiring skilled men to begin rebuilding our crumbling infrastructures," well then, he's just growing government even more.

"also a TV Star and NOT a politician," God, TV "stars" are the most narcissistic, self - absorbed of the lot.

Bottom line, his ego will be fed, he will operate, "behind the scenes" implementing many of the same policies obama has tried to push through. He will pass laws that benefit his family and himself and protect his assets. We will NOT have any kind of economic reform. He lied about not accepting donations, he lied about his past positions on issues. He's all for late-term abortions...he pals around with the kiltons, jesse jackson, al sharpton, me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are.

How is his affiliation with those enemies of the state any different than obama's connection to bill ayers, jeremiah wright, the weather underground, or NOI, and the black panthers?

Jennyfer Gordon's photo.
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Sandy Knox I want the WALL.......I've done my research on Trump and I want a businessman, NOT a politician, especially one who is using deceitful tactics to advance himself.....and he IS NOT for abortion.....
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Jennyfer Gordon You do realize that it is the Trump camp who has either created or knowingly "trumped up" every "lie" Cruz has been charged with since Sen. Ted Cruz's jump in the polls?

Come on, the Carson thing, Ben's JV team were the FIRST to tweet after Iowa, "Dr Carson is going to return home...." Cruz's staff just re-tweeted it. Looking to place blame? Look to Carson's inept personnel.

Cruz is an Evangelical; a DEVOUT Christian. He is, ALWAYS HAS BEEN, a staunch opponent to's the fraud, donald, IN HIS OWN WORDS (and don't you dare say he's since "evolved". These are fundamental character flaws. You don't say, without exception, that you'd support partial birth abortions (before the dems began using definition revisions {undocumented citizens, etc) THIS was called MURDER!!!!!!

Here's some more of what you don't know...again; don't you DARE say this gorilla has "evolved"...he's a fraud, a con, a bullshit artist.

We don't need a dirty, deceitful businessman, no matter how much you think his concern won't be primarily his own special interests. It's his old go to catch phrase when questioned why he donates so much to liberal democrats, "I'm a businessman, I need to cover my bases..."

Whose "bases" do you Really think he'll give a donkey's behind about if, God Forbid, this megalomanic gets elected? Put on your thinking cap for that one.

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Jennyfer Gordon

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Jennyfer Gordon Payola in Progress

Jennyfer Gordon's photo.
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Jennyfer Gordon And my personal favorite, "Trust me..."

Jennyfer Gordon's photo.
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