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Monday, October 20, 2008

One Last Call to Sanity!!!

I have been listening to the phone ring for the past 25 minutes, not a big deal unless you know that I am contacting the US Consulate General in Dubai (Press 1 for an American Citizen emergency.) I’ve been living outside the country for the last few months and all I can say as I count down the days to my return home is: GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!

I came to Dubai to teach English with (unrealistic) expectations of a progressive city, consumed by development and ripe for its foray onto the world stage. What I found was a country where the people are completely controlled. The government pays for everything and in exchange, the people forfeit their lives. This is a country where even though you live on a street with a name and there is a number on your building; the government doesn’t allow mail to be sent directly to your door. It must first go through the Post Office, the most inefficient bit of bureaucratic nonsense you could ever imagine.

There at the PO, they open, rifle through and decide on whether or not to forward your mail on to you. There are only two phone companies; both government controlled; both completely sub-par; where you must pre-pay for your minutes. You wait in line 5 hours to have somebody stamp a piece of paper that says you must get 3 more stamps to proceed. (Somewhere the Arabs heard that efficiency begins with a paper-trail…and they believed it.)

The whole region shuts down from 12:00 PM to 6-7PM to, “take a nap”-‘cause it’s hot; even though everyone works in air-conditioning , and the most “sport” they get is chewing the doughy bread served with every meal.

The reason I’m even here is a) I wanted out before the hammer fell down on the obama presidency and b) I was contacted by an inspirational woman who had a vision of what all this $100/barrel oil money could do. Two weeks ago, she was in a tragic car accident that left her brain dead. I went to give my condolences at the hospital while she was still in a coma and much to my surprise, I was ushered into her room (sans mask/protective clothing, etc) only thing they made me don was an abaya and hegab (the traditional Muslim dress and face/head covering.) I was also relieved of my rosary beads prior to entering the room.
I sat at her bed side and said the rosary by counting imaginary beads and keeping track with my fingers.
Every hour there is a call to prayer and yet every time you turn around someones trying to charge you three times what ever it's worth.

The hypocrisy here is stunning and the gulf between the haves and the have not's is vast. In Dubai there has been a great influx of Indians and Pakistanis since the building boom. They came thinking that they could grab a piece of the dream, sort of like the those who went west during the California Gold Rush in America. Unfortunately, the only reason the government even gave them a visa to stay was so that they could be employed as labourers to do the dirty work.

They are unskilled and have not been trained, nor will they ever be. They will not see any part of that dream materialize because they're worked to near death, paid pennies a day and once they've exhausted their use, they are shipped home with nothing more than what they came with. And every foreigner I met wants Obama to win and somehow felt entitled to weigh in on the goings-on in the States.

I actually got into a (just short of) physical confrontation with a co-worker from Canada who told me that both America and our President suck and we're the "reason" that the whole world is in financial turmoil. An Indian friend explained to me that, "your whole country has gone bankrupt because God is punishing you." Punishing us for what, he didn't get a chance to clarify because I immediately tore him a new asshole when I 'explained' to him that if it wasn't for America, both his country and a lot of others wouldn't still exist today.

We've sent a lot of food, a lot of medicine, a lot of money and a lot of aid ALL OVER THE WORLD. And we never asked for anything in return. And it's funny, the whole world hates us but ask anyone from one of these other countries what their dream is and the first thing they'll tell you is it's to go to America. And so now I'm back on the land that I love and I'm even more amazed that anyone fortunate enough to be here has the nerve to put this country down. All these clueless liberals who want to overtax the wealthy to even out the pot.

Let me tell you something;
if you're not where you think you should be in life, it ain't because your black(or any other minority group),'cause there are many blacks who've made it. It ain't because you're a woman,'cause we're just as successful as men now. And it ain't because you're handicapped (which I happen to be), because the only real limits you have are the ones you set for yourself. No, the reason why your life is not where you thought it should be is because you're lazy.

See, that's the beauty of this country; you don't have to be born here, you don't even have to speak our language, but the door is open for you to make a better life for yourself.If you work hard and live right, you are rewarded for your efforts with a nice life.

Unless Obama gets in. Then the reverse will hold true. Work hard and the government will take more from you to distribute your wealth to those who didn't want to work at all.

Under his administration, the reward will be reserved for those who've done nothing to earn it. Eventually the hard workers will realize this and decide to coast, as well. And when everybodies kickin' back, collecting their welfare checks and eatin' their government cheese; when all those moron liberals have finally gotten their way, you better decide quick whether you're going to Canada or to Mexico, because America will cease to exist.

The reason America became the most powerful country in the world is because we were working while all the other countries were taking their naps. I fear it will be the end of the road for this great nation if we allow this conniving manipulator to lead us. In all likelihood we'll be following him right off a cliff.