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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All That's Left to do is Lower the Casket

original post at We have dug our own graves... NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, but there is hope...there is hope that Congress continues to do...NOTHING :). Then we only have to watch out for executive orders.

Now, there is the Cater effect. After his term here, if he gets a lot his way...hopefully minus healthcare...then it can be reversed in the next term. Otherwsie, it's time for a revolution.

Time to Lobby Congress!

Jennyfer Gordon said...

...Say ya want a REV-O-LUTIONNNN...welllll ya know, we all wanna change the world...

Looks like it's time, Anonymous.

According to the most recent developments, Obama's "asking" for a contribution on the sale of food and beverages; a previously tax exempt category. Not too sure about you, but I can just about afford my food bill as it is, once this obamanation of the additional tax is levied, I guess I'll be going the way of Kate Moss. Hope the "heroine chic" look comes back into vogue...