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Sunday, February 18, 2018



I am re-publishing a post originally published on 4/4/11. I invited my childhood friend, fellow Patriot, and Army Wife to give ALL of US the inside story of what life was like Serving our country under the obama regime. Girl...I can't FIND YOU, but once again, I open my blog to you, and actually to ALL MEMBERS of OUR MILITARY FAMILIES, to WRITE YOUR PERSONAL TESTAMENT to what things are like living and raising a family under such tense times.

In my opinion (mind you, I defend him privately to anyone who tries to BRING THE NOISE on President Trump. I've yet to blather on about it here, but SO FAR, I couldn't BE PROUDER of OUR president) just publicly watched me, "eat crow," so wallow and move on...

I don't want to tred too far off topic, but wtf, I forgot my afternoon dose of my ADHD medication, soooo..........

I feel like the "swamp," Trump has been promising to 'drain,' is; or rather, what's left of it, is trying to double down to reignite those disenfranchised basement dwellers, the "outcasts" who refused to find a home in the greatest modern-day, "outcast."

RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, I am LOVING the direction we are headed. I actually feel like we ARE about to MAGA!!!!!

On a side note; I haven't seen My Dad get such a kick out of anything/anybody other than me, since one of my shenanigans didn't dig dip DEEP into his pocket. But if I would have brought Greg Gutfield home when I was in high school, he would have been as welcomed as much as Jorge Murillo (probably spelled wrong).

Anywhoooo, lets get back to brass tacks. The following is the actual account of an Army wife, as recorded on 4/4/11, except for an intro, and most likely an exo from me. I have NOT altered a word. I am republishing this MOSTLY for selfish reasons (not really), I'm inviting the ORIGINAL Army Wife to update us on what it's like to live an Army Life; failing that, PLEASE CONTACT ME, so I can share YOUR STORY on how life is like today; Feb. 17, 2018, for you, your family, and those you love under the Leadership of President Trump. If you can give us an idea of the dichotomy between your life (lives) under obama v/ Trump, all the better. Please either PM me via facebook, OR reply directly via this blog.

PLEASE share this far and wide as I am REALLY trying to SHED the LIGHT on THIS. God Bless You All. Here's the original post:

I am more than a little disturbed by the proposed "budget" presented by Obama. It's a disgrace. His proposed cuts target every vulnerable population (that is/has) ACTUALLY contributed to the system from Medicare to the working poor. President Barack Obama proposed a spending plan to Congress that cuts funding to programs that assist the working poor, help the needy heat their homes, and expand access to graduate-level education, undermining the kind of community-based organizations that helped him launch his political career in Chicago.

It also targets defense spending. I am diametrically opposed to cutting the defense budget to reduce our debt. Reign in that nightmare healthcare bill, CUT WELFARE. At no other time in our great country's history have we been been under attack by enemies both foreign AND domestic...nothing good can come of this.

When they speak of cutting defense, the first to feel the pinch is going to be the men and women in uniform who RISK THEIR LIVES TO KEEP US FREE and their families who sacrifice right along with them. THIS MAKES ME SICK, FOLKS. All the money in the world won't matter when a terrorist kills you or someone you love.

So, in a show of solidarity today and ALWAYS with our troops, I have handed over my blog to a great friend and steadfast Patriot. I was shaking with fury as tears streamed down my face while reading her letter to me. She is a MILITARY WIFE 💝 and I feel she is much more qualified to tell their story than I. But before I do, I'd like to say: GOD Bless you Solider, All Of You. THANK YOU for helping keep us FREE. Here's her story:

As an Army family I can tell you that when Bush was President you had a sense of security. You didn't fear that you could lose your job and stability. Once Obama took office that all changed. We are expendable to him. We don't matter. He makes it obvious.

He has now decided to cut into our programs. As my husband learned today. This could be anything from CYS (daycare, child youth services) to the guards we have at the gates of our posts protecting us from whoever may try to come in with the wrong intentions.

As it stands now there is a year long waiting list to get your child into daycare and they make you pay an army and a leg. If you take away certain programs the waiting list will be longer. They punish the soldier if he has financial problems and then look down upon him. Yet how can we as a family get our finances in order when only one of us can work. You can't even get on the waiting list for daycare unless you have a full time job, so what am I supposed to with my children for a year while I am on the waiting list?

As an E5 my husband makes decent money. But here's the thing: he has been in for 11 years now and we make ALMOST 36000 a year. Something is wrong with that. And yet to Obama he makes too much.

I know people who are so poor that they had to file bankruptcy and when they did their security clearance was taken away so they had to reclass (perform a different job) to basically becoming a truck driver. Which is a suicide job. So you're being punished for living in a country where the economy sucks and you can't provide cause you aren't paid enough.

When I was pregnant with my son we got 0 pay due for the full nine months, meaning we didn't get paid. All because the army claimed my husband owed them money. Which he didn't. We only survived because my sister supported us and we took out loans. They took about 15000 dollars from us claiming he owed them for a 1500 bonus.

The Army in itself sucks. But add on top of that a commander and chief who doesn't respect his soldiers and it's worse. NO ONE FEELS SAFE. We all fear that it will be our turn to be forced out of the military with BS retirement and no disability.

Perfect example: My husband was blown up by an IED overseas. He was fine but he screwed up his back. Now add on walking patrols they do with 80lbs of gear on his back. He has arthritis in his back and degenerative disc disease and if the army decided they would pay for the surgery he could either become paralyzed or sterile. Then when he got out he would get maybe 20 percent disability.

As if all that isn't bad enough he also has PTSD which he was put on antidepressants for. My husband lived with the Iraqi police in their cities and towns he was not protected on a FOB or base so to speak. They were attacked constantly and no one would send out back up to help them. He gained about 60lbs because he was put on all different meds to find the one that worked for him and now the Army has him on what they call a "Profile" for being overweight. He never had and issue with weight he always passed his PT tests and Weigh and tapes but after the meds; he failed. Their answer to that is if he can't lose the weight he will be kicked out of the army.

All the Government wants is to find a way to throw our soldiers out and give them nothing for their troubles. When Bush was in office my husband re-enlisted twice we got thousands of dollars as a bonus (a thank you) for re-enlisting. Obama took that away. Obama feels that if you choose to stay with the Army that is your choice and you shouldn't be rewarded for it. It's his way of getting people out of the Army and it's working.

We have had many things happen to us and our finances are nothing. After some bills are paid from loans we had to take out to survive when they didn't pay us we only bring in about 1400 dollars a month. That pays a 150 dollar car insurance payment, a 200 cell phone bill (which he needs because the Army gets out all information to their soldiers for work days via text or calling)***Then I'd like to know why the government isn't paying for it!!!***, 100 a month credit card bill (which we need to put food on our table) And a 200 dollar cable bill (which people will say we don't need cable) BUT our banking is done online and my children will not be robbed of television or Internet when their father fights for this country. Why should they?

That leaves us with 750. A family of 4 we usually pay about 300 a month in groceries. Gas runs us for both cars about 200 a month (with prices now). And the rest to live off for 30 days. So basically 250 dollars to enjoy life with, clothe my children. We can't go on vacations or take our kids on day trips. We can't go to the movies. We can't eat out. We basically do nothing. And yet Obama wants to take it all away.

80 percent of soldiers you talk to will tell you they hate Obama. If you are military you are Republican (if you are smart) because they are the only ones who support the military. Obama gives us no respect. He doesn't care about us. And he continues to make it painfully obvious. Next he will go after our insurance. Which is the only thing we are in the military for and even that isn't that great. Next we'll have to pay for that too.

I hope this opens your eyes some to our situation. To how it is. And let me tell you everyone I am friends with lives paycheck to paycheck we swap our children's clothes so when one grows out of something it goes to the next neighbors kid that is getting into that size. We share food because by the end of the month we are eating Ramen noodles. Our children don't know what it is to have new clothes, or the newest toys. They get hand me downs. Army family to Army family. The only people in the military that have money are the ones who are lucky enough to have both husband and wife working, Officers, or soldiers who married girls who had money. It's sad!!!

Thanks for giving us a voice.

In GOD We Trust. GOD Bless the USA!!!!


original post at




Saturday, February 17, 2018


I am re-publishing a post originally published on 4/4/11. I invited my childhood friend, fellow Patriot, and Army Wife to give ALL of US the inside story of what life was like Serving our country under the obama regime. Girl...I can't FIND YOU, but once again, I open my blog to you, and actually to ALL MEMBERS of OUR MILITARY FAMILIES, to WRITE YOUR PERSONAL TESTAMENT to what things are like living and raising a family under such tense times.

In my opinion (mind you, I defend him privately to anyone who tries to BRING THE NOISE on President Trump. I've yet to blather on about it here, but SO FAR, I couldn't BE PROUDER of OUR president) just publicly watched me, "eat crow," so wallow and move on...

I don't want to tred too far off topic, but wtf, I forgot my afternoon dose of my ADHD medication, soooo..........

I feel like the "swamp," Trump has been promising to 'drain,' is; or rather, what's left of it, is trying to double down to reignite those disenfranchised basement dwellers, the "outcasts" who refused to find a home in the greatest modern-day, "outcast."

RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, I am LOVING the direction we are headed. I actually feel like we ARE about to MAGA!!!!!

On a side note; I haven't seen My Dad get such a kick out of anything/anybody other than me, since one of my shenanigans didn't dig dip DEEP into his pocket. But if I would have brought Greg Gutfield home when I was in high school, he would have been as welcomed as much as Jorge Murillo (probably spelled wrong).

Anywhoooo, lets get back to brass tacks. The following is the actual account of an Army wife, as recorded on 4/4/11, except for an intro, and most likely an exo from me. I have NOT altered a word. I am republishing this MOSTLY for selfish reasons (not really), I'm inviting the ORIGINAL Army Wife to update us on what it's like to live an Army Life; failing that, PLEASE CONTACT ME, so I can share YOUR STORY on how life is like today; Feb. 17, 2018, for you, your family, and those you love under the Leadership of President Trump. If you can give us an idea of the dichotomy between your life (lives) under obama v/ Trump, all the better. Please either PM me via facebook, OR reply directly via this blog.

PLEASE share this far and wide as I am REALLY trying to SHED the LIGHT on THIS. God Bless You All. Here's the original post:

I am more than a little disturbed by the proposed "budget" presented by Obama. It's a disgrace. His proposed cuts target every vulnerable population (that is/has) ACTUALLY contributed to the system from Medicare to the working poor. President Barack Obama proposed a spending plan to Congress that cuts funding to programs that assist the working poor, help the needy heat their homes, and expand access to graduate-level education, undermining the kind of community-based organizations that helped him launch his political career in Chicago.

It also targets defense spending. I am diametrically opposed to cutting the defense budget to reduce our debt. Reign in that nightmare healthcare bill, CUT WELFARE. At no other time in our great country's history have we been been under attack by enemies both foreign AND domestic...nothing good can come of this.

When they speak of cutting defense, the first to feel the pinch is going to be the men and women in uniform who RISK THEIR LIVES TO KEEP US FREE and their families who sacrifice right along with them. THIS MAKES ME SICK, FOLKS. All the money in the world won't matter when a terrorist kills you or someone you love.

So, in a show of solidarity today and ALWAYS with our troops, I have handed over my blog to a great friend and steadfast Patriot. I was shaking with fury as tears streamed down my face while reading her letter to me. She is a MILITARY WIFE 💝 and I feel she is much more qualified to tell their story than I. But before I do, I'd like to say: GOD Bless you Solider, All Of You. THANK YOU for helping keep us FREE. Here's her story:

As an Army family I can tell you that when Bush was President you had a sense of security. You didn't fear that you could lose your job and stability. Once Obama took office that all changed. We are expendable to him. We don't matter. He makes it obvious.

He has now decided to cut into our programs. As my husband learned today. This could be anything from CYS (daycare, child youth services) to the guards we have at the gates of our posts protecting us from whoever may try to come in with the wrong intentions.

As it stands now there is a year long waiting list to get your child into daycare and they make you pay an army and a leg. If you take away certain programs the waiting list will be longer. They punish the soldier if he has financial problems and then look down upon him. Yet how can we as a family get our finances in order when only one of us can work. You can't even get on the waiting list for daycare unless you have a full time job, so what am I supposed to with my children for a year while I am on the waiting list?

As an E5 my husband makes decent money. But here's the thing: he has been in for 11 years now and we make ALMOST 36000 a year. Something is wrong with that. And yet to Obama he makes too much.

I know people who are so poor that they had to file bankruptcy and when they did their security clearance was taken away so they had to reclass (perform a different job) to basically becoming a truck driver. Which is a suicide job. So you're being punished for living in a country where the economy sucks and you can't provide cause you aren't paid enough.

When I was pregnant with my son we got 0 pay due for the full nine months, meaning we didn't get paid. All because the army claimed my husband owed them money. Which he didn't. We only survived because my sister supported us and we took out loans. They took about 15000 dollars from us claiming he owed them for a 1500 bonus.

The Army in itself sucks. But add on top of that a commander and chief who doesn't respect his soldiers and it's worse. NO ONE FEELS SAFE. We all fear that it will be our turn to be forced out of the military with BS retirement and no disability.

Perfect example: My husband was blown up by an IED overseas. He was fine but he screwed up his back. Now add on walking patrols they do with 80lbs of gear on his back. He has arthritis in his back and degenerative disc disease and if the army decided they would pay for the surgery he could either become paralyzed or sterile. Then when he got out he would get maybe 20 percent disability.

As if all that isn't bad enough he also has PTSD which he was put on antidepressants for. My husband lived with the Iraqi police in their cities and towns he was not protected on a FOB or base so to speak. They were attacked constantly and no one would send out back up to help them. He gained about 60lbs because he was put on all different meds to find the one that worked for him and now the Army has him on what they call a "Profile" for being overweight. He never had and issue with weight he always passed his PT tests and Weigh and tapes but after the meds; he failed. Their answer to that is if he can't lose the weight he will be kicked out of the army.

All the Government wants is to find a way to throw our soldiers out and give them nothing for their troubles. When Bush was in office my husband re-enlisted twice we got thousands of dollars as a bonus (a thank you) for re-enlisting. Obama took that away. Obama feels that if you choose to stay with the Army that is your choice and you shouldn't be rewarded for it. It's his way of getting people out of the Army and it's working.

We have had many things happen to us and our finances are nothing. After some bills are paid from loans we had to take out to survive when they didn't pay us we only bring in about 1400 dollars a month. That pays a 150 dollar car insurance payment, a 200 cell phone bill (which he needs because the Army gets out all information to their soldiers for work days via text or calling)***Then I'd like to know why the government isn't paying for it!!!***, 100 a month credit card bill (which we need to put food on our table) And a 200 dollar cable bill (which people will say we don't need cable) BUT our banking is done online and my children will not be robbed of television or Internet when their father fights for this country. Why should they?

That leaves us with 750. A family of 4 we usually pay about 300 a month in groceries. Gas runs us for both cars about 200 a month (with prices now). And the rest to live off for 30 days. So basically 250 dollars to enjoy life with, clothe my children. We can't go on vacations or take our kids on day trips. We can't go to the movies. We can't eat out. We basically do nothing. And yet Obama wants to take it all away.

80 percent of soldiers you talk to will tell you they hate Obama. If you are military you are Republican (if you are smart) because they are the only ones who support the military. Obama gives us no respect. He doesn't care about us. And he continues to make it painfully obvious. Next he will go after our insurance. Which is the only thing we are in the military for and even that isn't that great. Next we'll have to pay for that too.

I hope this opens your eyes some to our situation. To how it is. And let me tell you everyone I am friends with lives paycheck to paycheck we swap our children's clothes so when one grows out of something it goes to the next neighbors kid that is getting into that size. We share food because by the end of the month we are eating Ramen noodles. Our children don't know what it is to have new clothes, or the newest toys. They get hand me downs. Army family to Army family. The only people in the military that have money are the ones who are lucky enough to have both husband and wife working, Officers, or soldiers who married girls who had money. It's sad!!!

Thanks for giving us a voice.

In GOD We Trust. GOD Bless the USA!!!!


original post at




Friday, February 16, 2018

We Are Born Innocent...

It sickens me that ANYONE, ANYWHERE, would even CONSIDER suggesting MORE gun control.

I, myself was nearly killed after some 'gangsta wannabe' shot a gun off into a crowd of innocent high school kids and changed the course of my life, FOREVER.

I was a bright, athletic, outgoing, unstoppable KID, who was/IS destined for GREAT THINGS, and a stray bullet in the night left me paralyzed from the neck down for nearly a year, and blind in my right eye.

I am STILL partially paralyzed in my lower extremities, and, as a result of the scoliosis I developed from experiencing a majority of my growth spurts while lying crooked on a bed or slumped down in a wheelchair, the "best spinal surgeons" in Dallas told me more than two years ago that there was "NOTHING" that could be done for me and I should "brace" myself, psychologically for the fact that, BY NOW, I'd be back in a wheelchair for the REST OF MY LIFE.

And yet, YOU WILL FIND NO BIGGER PROPONENT of the 2nd Amendment, than ME.

Sorry to be screaming at you, but this whole thing has opened up old wounds.

The lives lost are senseless, and horrific, and I sympathyze with the family and friends of the lost. But here's the thing that gets me:

I can't STOP thinking about the ones who lived. Particularly, those who witnessed/lived through it, but were not affected by it PHYSICALLY.

I feel the EXACT SAME WAY for all of the other teens who WATCHED ME NEARLY DIE on a city street, especially the core of them who, just kids, themselves, thought extremely quickly and SAVED MY LIFE as pre-technology circumstances delayed professional first responders from reaching me during those precious minutes when my life hung in the balance.

I OFTEN wonder, "How DID they remain level-headed enough to NOT ONLY flawlessly execute what they had learned the summer before in their CPR/life-saving classes, but perform it on someone their age, someone they KNEW. Someone who could have just as easily been THEM. And how did they manage to do it amidst all of the chaos and confusion surrounding them? A virtual stampede of kids running each and every way FROM the sound of the gunshot, the (what must have been) seemingly endless wait for the "grown-ups" to arrive, and on and on it goes in my mind.

I finally, after more than a decade of trying to kill myself slowly, diagnosed MYSELF with PTSD (which I subsequently had confirmed via Dr's) and I know, first-hand how it has directly affected every aspect of my life.

And I was, for the most part, unconscious, (literally in a coma) throughout the whole experience. So, if MY PTSD is SO bad that someday's opening the blinds is a real victory; HOW BAD MUST THEIR PTSD be?

And furthermore, have they yet even connected that night with decisions, directions, and/or events in their life that they have experienced during the ensuing years????

It's NOT ONLY the victims being buried who died on that day. EVERYONE who was there lost a piece of themselves. Never Again will ANY of them float in the protective bubble of childhood innocence. NEVER AGAIN will ANY of them BELIEVE that ANYTHING/ANYONE can KEEP THEM SAFE.



...Soon ONLY The Criminals Will Have Guns, And America's Left Couldn't Be Happier

I was just talking to my Dad and telling him how I'd be afraid to still be teaching in the US today. I feel like these out-of-control mass shootings have mostly come about under the "leadership" of democrats. I know I taught in the States in the early 2000's and don't remember, at all, this sort of thing.

I left America in 2008, and taught and travelled the world up until a few years ago, and this is truly a phenomena of American Society. I have been researching citizen on citizen gun-related murders among foreign countries in comparison to the US (after I read a piece in the NY Post today, about some liberals take on how we should further restrict our gun-laws to emulate Israel, and then we'd have peace.)

I was fairly certain that Israel is much like Switzerland, in which every able-bodied adult between 18-34 is mandated to join the army, and every law-abiding adult citizen is issued a firearm.

I came across this article, which was an interview with an author, John Lott, who wrote, "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws." The interview and the book were published in 1998.

I have cited in this blog, an untold amount of times how the correlation of armed citizenry and lowered rates of crime/murder are affected in a negative (which is actually a positive) way.

I really don't understand how this empirically derived data is still so nonchalantly brushed aside by leftists?

original post at


Monday, February 12, 2018

The Continuing Comedy of the Clinton, Inc. Stupidity

The Clinton Criminal Cabal is conspiring to continue unabated in their efforts to deflect accountability and deny any involvement in or accept any responsibility for the current mayhem unfolding in Washington.

Front row and center of their defense is, arguably, most obviously going to be; that they are far too sophisticated to have ever been involved in a scheme that is turning out to look a lot more like 'Amateur Hour At The Apollo,' than it is, 'Rhodes Scholar.'

The heart of it all will be a mea culpa to the effect of, "Oh, come on, America. We would surely have been much smarter than that..."

They will mount the defense that no one in their above-board, on-the-level, enterprising organization,"foundation," could possibly be so stupid.
And likely, much of America will agree that NOBODY, much less the Ivy League Alumni Clintons could ever be so bumblingly sophomoric while trying to execute such a lofty vision.

However, what many may likely fail to realize, is that the "stupid," was all part of their criminal con. 'Stupid' exhonorates "Personal Responsibility." 'Stupid' somehow even manages to negate, "Blame."

We don't fault the 'intellectually slow,' or 'stupid,' for choices they made or actions they took, no matter how incredibly implausible, immoral, unethical or disasterous those choices turn out for them or anyone else brought down in the aftermath.

No, we give them a pass, perhaps a slap on the wrist for their inability to comprehend the ramifications of their actions.

After all, it's not their "fault" they couldn't tell right from wrong, so determined were they, it was a simple mistake. A simple, Stupid mistake.

They used the cloak of the, "aww shucks" defense to wage as much public confusion, fear-mongering, and false-truths about what a "nightmare," a Trump presidency would look like, how he was an unlikely and unsuitable candidate planted by foreign enemies. 

I, myself blogged ad nauseam about the dangers of him winning the primaries, (although I believed he was our generations, Ross Perot, planted by the democrats to split the GOP vote and hand the win to Hillary.) 

And how, if he were to win, we'd all be living in this Truman Show-like, surreal Reality TVesque country brought to us by our sponsors, Coca-Cola, Mars Bars, Toyota and General Mills.

Except, it backfired. And they lost.

"But by golly, how were Bubba and the boys supposed ta know just how simplistically foolish it'd all look like in the end? They'd a had ta a been soft in tha head ta believe we'd fall fer that, again."

That will be the defense they will mount when we get there. Their lawyers will argue, and I can almost hear them now:

"How could the American people truly believe that the DNC, namely, the Clintons;  person's so intellectually superior in so many ways, so acclaimed world-wide..."

**Yeah, sure "acclaimed," but NOT for being the administration that let Bin Laden get away, and under whom, eased restrictions on government subsidiaries (namely: Fannie & Freddy) to create an artificial ressurection of home-ownership, and thus: The Revival of The American Dream. 

Events that subsequently led to both 9/11 (less than 8 months after GWB was sworn into office) and eventually the sub-prime mortgage collapse**

"...How could red-blooded, God-fearing, flag-waving Americans HONESTLY believe that people of unimpeachable (well, OK...impeachable, but literally unremovable) character, and intellectual superiority be so sloppily stupid as to try to implement such a Machiavellian plan so obviously transparent in an effort to hold onto/regain absolute control over the American political system indefinitely. It would just. never. happen."

And the swamp that still remains would vote in their favor. At most, and totally unlikely, but possibly rule that the Clintons "at most," be barred from any involvement in any form of politics, including: participating in, funding, lending, donating, supporting ANY political candidate for the duration of 10 years. At which time, this will all be a footnote in the history books, and they can begin prepping Chelsea Clinton for her rightful place on the throne.

But don't let them fool you. These criminals are no more (and no less) stupid than they are unscrupulous.

original post at 
The Clinton Criminal Cabal is conspiring to continue unabated in their efforts to deflect accountability and deny involvement in or accept responsibility for the current mayhem unfolding in Washington.

Front row and center of their defense is, arguably, most obviously going to be; that they are far too sophisticated to have ever been involved in a scheme that is turning out to look a lot more like 'Amateur Hour At The Apollo,' than 'Rhodes Scholar.'

The heart of it all will be a mea culpa to the effect of, "Oh, come on, America. We would surely have been much smarter than that..."

They will mount the defense that no one in their above-board, on-the-level, enterprising organization, um, er...Foundation, could Possibly be so stupid.

And likely, much of America will agree that NOBODY, much less the Ivy League Alumni Clintons could ever be so bumblingly sophomoric while trying to execute such a lofty vision.

However, what may likely fail to be realized, is that 

The Continuing Clinton Con
Jennyfer Gordon
to me
1 hour ago
This is a great piece. You make A LOT of good connections. I'd only debate the premise that they got, "Stuck on stupid."

No they didn't, the "stupid," was all part of their criminal con. "Stupid" exhonorates "Personal Responsibility;" it negates, "Blame."

We don't fault the 'intellectually slow,' or 'stupid,' for choices they made or actions they took, no matter how incredibly implausible, immoral, unethical or disasterous those choices turn out for them or anyone else brought down in the aftermath.

No, we give them a pass, perhaps a slap on the wrist for their inability to comprehend the ramifications of their actions.

After all, it's not their "fault" they couldn't tell right from wrong, so determined were they, it was a simple mistake. A simple, Stupid mistake.

They used the cloak of the, "Aww Shucks" defense to wage as much public confusion, fear-mongering, and false-truths about what a "nightmare," a Trump presidency would look like, how he was an unlikely and unsuitable candidate planted by foreign enemies (I, myself blogged ad nauseam about the dangers of him winning the primaries, although I believed he was our generations, Ross Perot, planted by the democrats to split the GOP vote and hand the win to Hillary. Read me here:, and how, if he were to win, we'd all be living in this Truman Show-like, surreal Reality TVesque country brought to us by our sponsors: Coca-Cola, Mars Inc., Toyota, and General Mills.

Except, it backfired. And they lost. 

"But by golly, how were Bubba and the boys supposed ta know just how simplistically foolish it'd all look like in the end? They'd a had ta a been soft in the head ta believe we'd fall for that, again."

I understand that that is not what your article is literally asserting, however, it IS the defense they will mount when we get there. Their lawyers will argue. I can almost hear them now: 

"How could the American people truly believe that the DNC, namely, the Clintons, person's so intellectually superior in so many ways, so acclaimed world-wide..." 

**NOT for being the administration that let Bin Laden get away, and under whom, eased restrictions on government subsidiaries (namely: Fanny & Freddy) to create an artificial ressurection of home-ownership, and thus: The American Dream (events that subsequently led to both 9/11[less than 8 months after GWB was sworn into office] and eventually the sub-prime mortgage collapse)**

"...How could red-blooded, God-fearing, flag-waving Americans HONESTLY believe that people of unimpeachable (well, impeachable, but literally unremovable) character, and intellectual superiority be so sloppily stupid as to try to implement such a Machiavellian plan so obviously transparent in an effort to hold onto/regain absolute control over the American political system indefinitely. It would just. never. happen."

And the swamp that still remains would vote in their favor. At most, and Totally Unlikely; possibly rule that the Clintons "at most," be barred from any involvement in any form of politics, including: participating in, funding, lending, donating, supporting ANY political candidate for the duration of 10 years. At which time, this will all be a footnote in the history books, and they can begin prepping Chelsea Clinton for her rightful place on the throne.

These criminals are no more stupid than they are ugly.

The Continuing Clinton Con

The Clinton Criminal Cabal is conspiring to continue unabated in their efforts to deflect accountability and deny involvement in or accept responsibility for the current mayhem unfolding in Washington.

Front row and center of their defense is, arguably, most obviously going to be; that they are far too sophisticated to have ever been involved in a scheme that is turning out to look a lot more like 'Amateur Hour At The Apollo,' than 'Rhodes Scholar.'

The heart of it all will be a mea culpa to the effect of, "Oh, come on, America. We would surely have been much smarter than that..."

They will mount the defense that no one in their above-board, on-the-level, enterprising organization, um, er...Foundation, could Possibly be so stupid.

And likely, much of America will agree that NOBODY, much less the Ivy League Alumni Clintons could ever be so bumblingly sophomoric while trying to execute such a lofty vision.

However, what may likely fail to be realized, is that t

The Continuing Clinton Con
Jennyfer Gordon
to me
0 minutes ago
This is a great piece. You make A LOT of good connections. I'd only debate the premise that they got, "Stuck on stupid."

No they didn't, the "stupid," was all part of their criminal con. "Stupid" exhonorates "Personal Responsibility;" it negates, "Blame."

We don't fault the 'intellectually slow,' or 'stupid,' for choices they made or actions they took, no matter how incredibly implausible, immoral, unethical or disasterous those choices turn out for them or anyone else brought down in the aftermath.

No, we give them a pass, perhaps a slap on the wrist for their inability to comprehend the ramifications of their actions.

After all, it's not their "fault" they couldn't tell right from wrong, so determined were they, it was a simple mistake. A simple, Stupid mistake.

They used the cloak of the, "Aww Shucks" defense to wage as much public confusion, fear-mongering, and false-truths about what a "nightmare," a Trump presidency would look like, how he was an unlikely and unsuitable candidate planted by foreign enemies (I, myself blogged ad nauseam about the dangers of him winning the primaries, although I believed he was our generations, Ross Perot, planted by the democrats to split the GOP vote and hand the win to Hillary. Read me here:, and how, if he were to win, we'd all be living in this Truman Show-like, surreal Reality TVesque country brought to us by our sponsors: Coca-Cola, Mars Inc., Toyota, and General Mills.

Except, it backfired. And they lost. 

"But by golly, how were Bubba and the boys supposed ta know just how simplistically foolish it'd all look like in the end? They'd a had ta a been soft in the head ta believe we'd fall for that, again."

I understand that that is not what your article is literally asserting, however, it IS the defense they will mount when we get there. Their lawyers will argue. I can almost hear them now: 

"How could the American people truly believe that the DNC, namely, the Clintons, person's so intellectually superior in so many ways, so acclaimed world-wide..." 

**NOT for being the administration that let Bin Laden get away, and under whom, eased restrictions on government subsidiaries (namely: Fanny & Freddy) to create an artificial ressurection of home-ownership, and thus: The American Dream (events that subsequently led to both 9/11[less than 8 months after GWB was sworn into office] and eventually the sub-prime mortgage collapse)**

"...How could red-blooded, God-fearing, flag-waving Americans HONESTLY believe that people of unimpeachable (well, impeachable, but literally unremovable) character, and intellectual superiority be so sloppily stupid as to try to implement such a Machiavellian plan so obviously transparent in an effort to hold onto/regain absolute control over the American political system indefinitely. It would just. never. happen."

And the swamp that still remains would vote in their favor. At most, and Totally Unlikely; possibly rule that the Clintons "at most," be barred from any involvement in any form of politics, including: participating in, funding, lending, donating, supporting ANY political candidate for the duration of 10 years. At which time, this will all be a footnote in the history books, and they can begin prepping Chelsea Clinton for her rightful place on the throne.

These criminals are no more stupid than they are ugly.