Monday, March 24, 2008
Even BaskinRobbins Gives Us 31 Choices--Election 08
I got a comment sent to me today that pretty much sums up this whole election experience (debacle). “It’s a catch 22,” was how he put it. I couldn't agree more. Regrettably, the reader went on to say, “He (Obama) is the lesser of the two evils,” that’s where I have to totally disagree and I’ll get to why in a minute. To make my first point, let me just say: even BaskinRobbins gives us 31 flavors from which to decide. I think when voting on the leader of the free world our choices should be at least as varied as Black Walnut, Lemon Custard, Pink Bubblegum and Rum Raisin. And I mean, come on, by virtue of the system we've embraced, we're already guaranteed a pretty limited candidate buffet for our voting pleasure. But in the political equivalent of: here's spit in your eye; come this November, we get screwed twice. Not only do we lack quantity, if the race winds up being played out along the lines it looks like it's going, we seriously lack quality, as well. On one hand is the possibility of being represented by a dinosaur who's unlikely to even make it through his second full term alive and behind door number 2, no Johnny, it's not a new car, it's: a black racist who hates America. Let me tell you why we're in this predicament. It's America's continued insistence on a two party system. Our fear of breaking with tradition and really supporting a third, even fourth party candidate. Tradition is nice; until it stagnates, then it begins to strangle the sentiment from which it was born. We need to let go of the customary, yet antiquated conventions so deeply ingrained in the American political process if we want to be a nation that continues to thrive. Hell, we need to let them go if we want to be a nation that continues to exist. Like many a great empire before us, dissension from within may prove our undoing. In the mean time, we're stuck with two turkeys to choose from. Personally, I'm waiting to see who McCain is going to pick up for a running mate, because there's a better than average chance that by voting for McCain, his VP will eventually be advanced by default. And then there is Obama. Now I won't go as far as to say Obama hates white people, but he sure does resent us. Could you just imagine the uproar if Obama was attending a white church and a white priest was saying such things about black people? Lordy, we'd have Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and every other blowhard preacher with an affinity for getting his face on TV out picketing and marching and stirring up a racial shitstorm the likes of which have never been seen. Know what Sharpton's response to Jeremiah Whites sermons was? "We need to be careful that we're not taking his words out of context." Hey Al, your hypocrisy is showing. What do you think it's going to do for race relations if we elect a president who agrees with the vilification of just about half the country? And spare me the, ‘he wasn’t there…he didn’t know’ excuse. HE KNEW. You don’t go 20 years to the same place where racial loathing and national division is repeatedly spewed and somehow not know. Even if (and this is hard to believe) over the 20 years that he was a member of the congregation and maintained a personal relationship with the Reverend, Mr. Obama didn’t hear Reverend Wright’s hate filled diatribes first hand, it’s just impossible to swallow that he never heard ABOUT them. I’m a member of a close-knit church and let me tell you, when the priest gives a powerful homily, it’s discussed. It was because of that blatant lie in the face of the “give us a break, how stupid do we look” response from America, that Obama ceased to be the hope of a new day and became just another politician. It was right then when he became interchangeable with the rest of his ilk. Those who’ll lie to contradict the obvious, who will lie just to further their own gain. So I guess, between the lesser of the two evils, a dinosaur or an anti-American, I’ll take the dinosaur, hands down, any day. I'm of the definite opinion that race should never ever even be an issue here, because Barak is neither black nor white...he's transparent. He is politics as usual, just with newer skin. He's still peddling the wheels of political chicanery, with his soundbites and pretty, but empty ideas. He's all form, no substance and the only reason his machine is still moving forward is because the whole damn country is, for some reason, giving him a free pass to remain an empty shell. He reminds me of those pull string dolls that have 3 or 4 pre-recorded sayings. He never varies from his script and he never expands on it either. What gets me the most is that no one is even demanding that he does. The whites are supporting him to try to assuage a lifetime of subconscious ancestral guilt and the blacks are so damn happy to have one of their own at the top that nobody is stopping a minute to take a step back and realize, the reality of it all. Once we get over the novelty of having an African American residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we're going to need to come to terms with the fact that we've basically got a squatter in the White House. I'm not saying on the surface he doesn't have charisma. Hell, he'd make a great ad exec or used car salesman, but a President, he ain't. Unless of course, the platform he's basing his domestic policy on actually is , 'smoke n' mirrors'. If that's not the case than come November and he's our fearless leader, it'll be worse than the blind leading the blind. We will have followed him unquestionably, like lambs to the slaughter. And we'll have no one to blame but ourselves, because the writing was on the wall. He doesn't even try to hide his inadequacy, he's actually embraced it as part of his charm. I mean, my God, even his “apology” speech was painfully contrived. For a man who supposedly speaks so eloquently, he sure was choking on those words of denial. And not for nothing: Barak, but if you’re going to stand before America and try to make a case for your own ignorance in regards to over 20 years of your pastor's anti-white, anti-American invective, it’d seem so much more sincere if you could at least look us in the eye when you’re lying to us and not just read the whole damn thing from the Teleprompter. JGG original post at NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
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