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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Isn't he just deepening the divide?--Election '08

Does the average American really believe that Obama disagrees with the sermons of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright?

This man has been both the pastor of and mentor to Barack as well as his wife Michelle, for over 20 years. He also happens to be the minister who married them.

For all intents and purposes, Obama’s whole candidacy is based solely on a call to voters to place their trust in his capacity for clarity and judgment. How does he explain the disparity with the fact that he maintains such a close relationship with a man best described as a militant religious extremist? The videotaped sermons that are now making their way around the internet are by no means isolated cases, nor are they just a one time deviation from a normally placid style of preaching. What they are is a typical representation of the man’s usual rabidity and rancor. They are also a glimpse into an obviously bitter, lifelong resentment and genuine ill will for a country so great that he even has the freedom to acknowledge and express his vitriol and virulence.

If the Obama’s don’t subscribe to the same beliefs, why do they continue to subject themselves to such fanatical and bigoted dogma by remaining active members of his church? It’s curious that Michelle Obama’s recent admission was that when she saw how America embraced her husband’s entry into the race that was, "the first time in her life that she’s felt pride in her country".

You can clearly see and hear the congregation behind Reverend Wright clapping, nodding, and shouting their approval of and agreement with his statements. It is highly unlikely that Mr. and Mrs. Obama just sat meekly by, the only two in the assemblage who remained subdued and silent in the face of such fire and brimstone. Obama wasn't born into Wright's world. His parents were atheists, an African bureaucrat and a white grad student. Obama could have picked any church — the spare, spiritual places in Hyde Park, the splendid pomp and procession of the cathedrals downtown. He could have picked a mosque, or even a synagogue.

Obama chose Trinity United. He picked Jeremiah Wright. The man not only officiated over their marriage, he even baptized their kids. Obama writes in his autobiography that on the day he chose this church, he felt the spirit of black memory and history moving through Wright. It’s possible such ideologies were not always an intrinsic part of the Obama’s outlook, but being constantly inundated with angry, powerful messages eventually forces those ideas to bleed into beliefs.

In one clip, Wright takes the pulpit and solemnly, deeply declares that he will recite ten essential facts about the United States. “Fact number one: We've got more black men in prison than there are in college,” he resonates. “Fact number two: Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run! We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional KILLERS. . . . We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. . . . We conducted radiation experiments on our own people and we care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means. We betray our church and don’t try to make the kingdom that Jesus talked about a reality. And — and — and in light of thes2we 10 facts, God has got to be sick of this s***.”

He has also made the following outlandish statements in a 2007 Rolling Stone article: “The government invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. Americans are selfish, self-centered egotists who are arrogant and ignorant. We put Nelson Mandela in prison and then supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was in there. We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. We do not care if poor black and brown children cannot read and kill each other senselessly. We abandoned the cities back in the '60s when the riots started and then we gave up on them and on public education of the poor people who live in the projects . . .” Citing that article and fears that any further controversy would harm the church, Obama scrapped plans of having Wright introduce him at his Presidential announcement.

The message that the pastor is propagating does nothing to address the root cause, it only serves to absolve the parishioners of their own accountability for their successes and their failures in life. It’s a weak crutch to maintain that color plays a role in actively holding people down. Too many provisions are in place to AIDE Americans of color and other minorities. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and employment, was the first modern legislation to address these barriers. A section of the act known as Title VII, which specifically banned discrimination in employment, laid the groundwork for the subsequent development of affirmative action. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance became important enforcement agencies for affirmative action Affirmative Action is used in the United States to increase opportunities for minorities by favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. Depending upon the situation, “minorities” might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender.

Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. It’s real easy, highly likely and yet should be alarmingly suspect for Obama to walk away from the Reverend Wright association now. To denounce the preacher’s message as far from his own held beliefs, but it fails to answer the question as to why he didn’t impugn the sermons prior to this public outcry. How can Barack Obama say that he’s the candidate that will bridge the gap and finally bring all American’s together when his pastor, his mentor seems hell bent on deepening the divide?
original post at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The alternative is sooo much worse, catch 22