*****Here's another draft that I failed to post. Originally written on
June 4th, 2008, even before Obumbler "won" the election*****
Hate to say, "I told you so", so I won't. I'll just nonchalantly mention that it is personally gratifying to scroll back through my initial postings and recognize the alarming accuracy with which I warned of the Obama "unknowns."
That satisfaction, however, fails to linger when I stop to consider that the momentum that had already built up behind him may still prove strong enough to carry him through to a victory in November. That momentum may say less about the one it carries than it does about those who sustain its course.
Youth: bitter, disenfranchised, fleeting, youth.
Looking back through history, I don't think since the explosion of the 1960's anti-war movement that there's been a generation of young adults that have not felt disaffected, inclined towards indifference, either absorbed with or lost to; themselves.
Satisfaction it seems, went the way of sock hops and skating waitresses and truth be told, mores' the pity.
We will never be innocent again.
A lot of the Obama mystique can be directly attributed to the liberal media. So damn excited were they to have themselves a new poster child for change, they neglected, as they are wont to do when it comes to resolving conflicts of interest, to do any fact checking behind the shiny facade.
It was enough that he was giving them their six o'clock lead-in twenty second sound bites and Nielsen grabbing photo ops. After all, they had just suffered eight l...o...n...g years through G double U, with his mangled pronunciations and down home matte finish, that they felt justified in exchanging journalistic integrity for hollow words and high gloss.
If you watch the speeches that Mr. Obama has been giving lately; his combined apology/claims of ignorance/steadfast denial colloquies, you can see the difference in his delivery from smooth self assurance to stumbling, sticky defensiveness. If it's this bad now, and it's only his own side that's investigating him, imagine the field day the Republicans are headed for in terms of discovery.
But even their discoveries might not be enough to turn the tide, and a lot of that is their own fault; or the perception of it being so. Take a look around, if you can afford the gas, and drive up and down any street; see how many foreclosures you can count with the kids (free entertainment AND educational).
America and Americans are hurting and it's not just a boo-boo. We are bleeding red, white and blue at mortality speed and our present administration doesn't seem to know how to hit the brakes.
I don't know why they refuse to see that the war has gone on too long. I'm sure our withdrawal won't be an instant cure, but it'll go a long way towards our recovery. I mean, we accomplished our objective, Hussein is gone. It's too damn bad the region is unstable and the people aren't equipped to take care of themselves and I don't want to hear the argument that if we don't stay there another terrorist will emerge.
News flash: Americans are no longer equipped to take care of themselves and you can bet another terrorist is surely being groomed in a deep cave somewhere, under our nose and we're still not aware. Terrorists are like that carnival game with the sledge hammer and the heads; you beat one down and another one pops right up.
We'll never get them all because the specific person doesn't matter; it's the ideas, the beliefs, and the convictions that are ingrained in them, some from birth. We will never win that game. I agree, we needed to retaliate for the attacks on our towers, to reaffirm to the world, after a crippling wound, that we would not be intimidated and we will never succumb. But it's over, we captured the king--the dictator's dead.
Ground control to Major Tom: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
It's going to amount to being another strike against McCain and he's already got those other 72 years against him. Propriety probably dictates that he not say a word, lest he appear to be criticizing not only Bush, but the Party he belongs to, as well. I wouldn't care, in politics it's: kill or be killed and if old bones really wants to win, he better start yapping about pulling us out.
I guess now is as good a time as any to formally announce that on August 17th, I'll once again be an Ex patriot. I have decided to teach English overseas and I've just accepted a contract in Dubai. Unlike those all talk democrats who were "moving out if Bush got reelected," I'm honoring my silent vow to do the same if Obama gets in.
Matter of fact, I'm taking it a step further and making a preemptive strike since it doesn't matter anyway, neither party shares my beliefs.
My point in telling you this now is so that I may end this post with a quote I came across while researching the lifestyle, culture, religion, and political climate of my new home.
"A majority of Americans have now lost faith in Bush, cheerleader for America's conservative right wing and its allies in the region who still view Arabs as backward and primitive. They seek to offer guidance, though guidance of that kind is the last thing we need. Ironically, liberals in the region were once thrilled by US policies, seeing in them a promise that they could become a political alternative. That was never on the cards. It seems that we have to choose between Bush's counterfeit democracy, brutish liberals who make a travesty of their own doctrine or ugly and corrupt regimes. But what about ordinary people? What about their needs? Has anyone thought of them?"
...I think I hear a movement calling my name.
June 4th, 2008, even before Obumbler "won" the election*****
Hate to say, "I told you so", so I won't. I'll just nonchalantly mention that it is personally gratifying to scroll back through my initial postings and recognize the alarming accuracy with which I warned of the Obama "unknowns."
That satisfaction, however, fails to linger when I stop to consider that the momentum that had already built up behind him may still prove strong enough to carry him through to a victory in November. That momentum may say less about the one it carries than it does about those who sustain its course.
Youth: bitter, disenfranchised, fleeting, youth.
Looking back through history, I don't think since the explosion of the 1960's anti-war movement that there's been a generation of young adults that have not felt disaffected, inclined towards indifference, either absorbed with or lost to; themselves.
Satisfaction it seems, went the way of sock hops and skating waitresses and truth be told, mores' the pity.
We will never be innocent again.
A lot of the Obama mystique can be directly attributed to the liberal media. So damn excited were they to have themselves a new poster child for change, they neglected, as they are wont to do when it comes to resolving conflicts of interest, to do any fact checking behind the shiny facade.
It was enough that he was giving them their six o'clock lead-in twenty second sound bites and Nielsen grabbing photo ops. After all, they had just suffered eight l...o...n...g years through G double U, with his mangled pronunciations and down home matte finish, that they felt justified in exchanging journalistic integrity for hollow words and high gloss.
If you watch the speeches that Mr. Obama has been giving lately; his combined apology/claims of ignorance/steadfast denial colloquies, you can see the difference in his delivery from smooth self assurance to stumbling, sticky defensiveness. If it's this bad now, and it's only his own side that's investigating him, imagine the field day the Republicans are headed for in terms of discovery.
But even their discoveries might not be enough to turn the tide, and a lot of that is their own fault; or the perception of it being so. Take a look around, if you can afford the gas, and drive up and down any street; see how many foreclosures you can count with the kids (free entertainment AND educational).
America and Americans are hurting and it's not just a boo-boo. We are bleeding red, white and blue at mortality speed and our present administration doesn't seem to know how to hit the brakes.
I don't know why they refuse to see that the war has gone on too long. I'm sure our withdrawal won't be an instant cure, but it'll go a long way towards our recovery. I mean, we accomplished our objective, Hussein is gone. It's too damn bad the region is unstable and the people aren't equipped to take care of themselves and I don't want to hear the argument that if we don't stay there another terrorist will emerge.
News flash: Americans are no longer equipped to take care of themselves and you can bet another terrorist is surely being groomed in a deep cave somewhere, under our nose and we're still not aware. Terrorists are like that carnival game with the sledge hammer and the heads; you beat one down and another one pops right up.
We'll never get them all because the specific person doesn't matter; it's the ideas, the beliefs, and the convictions that are ingrained in them, some from birth. We will never win that game. I agree, we needed to retaliate for the attacks on our towers, to reaffirm to the world, after a crippling wound, that we would not be intimidated and we will never succumb. But it's over, we captured the king--the dictator's dead.
Ground control to Major Tom: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
It's going to amount to being another strike against McCain and he's already got those other 72 years against him. Propriety probably dictates that he not say a word, lest he appear to be criticizing not only Bush, but the Party he belongs to, as well. I wouldn't care, in politics it's: kill or be killed and if old bones really wants to win, he better start yapping about pulling us out.
I guess now is as good a time as any to formally announce that on August 17th, I'll once again be an Ex patriot. I have decided to teach English overseas and I've just accepted a contract in Dubai. Unlike those all talk democrats who were "moving out if Bush got reelected," I'm honoring my silent vow to do the same if Obama gets in.
Matter of fact, I'm taking it a step further and making a preemptive strike since it doesn't matter anyway, neither party shares my beliefs.
My point in telling you this now is so that I may end this post with a quote I came across while researching the lifestyle, culture, religion, and political climate of my new home.
"A majority of Americans have now lost faith in Bush, cheerleader for America's conservative right wing and its allies in the region who still view Arabs as backward and primitive. They seek to offer guidance, though guidance of that kind is the last thing we need. Ironically, liberals in the region were once thrilled by US policies, seeing in them a promise that they could become a political alternative. That was never on the cards. It seems that we have to choose between Bush's counterfeit democracy, brutish liberals who make a travesty of their own doctrine or ugly and corrupt regimes. But what about ordinary people? What about their needs? Has anyone thought of them?"
...I think I hear a movement calling my name.
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