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Sunday, June 27, 2010


This is the first part of a potentially three part series covering the sinking ship that is our federal government. We’ve suffered several serious blows and with no experts on the boat to figure out a fix; we’re taking on water and we’re going down; fast.

I long ago predicted that an Obama Administration would most surely yet swiftly usher in the Age of Armageddon and if the past year and a half is any indication in terms of my psychic foresight; I should be reading palms on the Jersey boardwalk for 10 bucks a pop.

For those of you who’ve read me before, to say I’ve never been a fan of this socialist regime would be an understatement. So because I began my writing career as a journalist, I will attempt to refrain from showing bias and instead dedicate this blog post to recapping, as objectively as possible, the “highlights” of the BO fiasco thus far.

Since the buffet of incompetence is fairly brimming over, and each and every one of this administrations missteps holds the same weight in terms of its potential to cripple our nation one way or another, the following list is in no particular order.

Hell, let’s kick it off with easily the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world. Today is June 28, 2010; day 70 of the BP oil spill. The explosion that caused the blowout of the oil well occurred mid-April and though the president found time to hit the golf course twice within that time frame; he didn’t make his first voyage down to the decimated region until the first week in May to assess the damage and assure the residents; himself, that all would be OK.

Even then he only made the trip in response to the public backlash at his lack of action. Unfortunately, it seems, he hadn’t spent any of that downtime brainstorming a solution to the crisis because when he finally did show up, his entire strategy consisted of attacking BP, while stepping back from accepting any personal or administrative responsibility. His ever-ready, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT” defense, was in full swing. Lashing out with righteous anger to simultaneously lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward (admittedly, an idiot) and his old fall back, George Bush.

In the midst of the Gulf crisis, reports are the former chief of staff to Rod Blagojevich (the impeached Illinois Governor) says he believes Barack Obama knew of the then-governor's attempt to get a job in exchange for appointing a White House-preferred person to Obama’s senate seat.

John Harris, Blagojevich’s former top aide, testified during the governor’s corruption hearings this week that three days after Obama’s election as president, Blagojevich felt assured he had a deal from the president that would place aide Valerie Jarrett in the Senate. He offered no proof of his claim.

“The president understands that the governor would be willing to make the appointment of Valerie Jarrett as long as he gets what he's asked for,” Harris said in testimony.

Harris said the deal was that Blagojevich would get a “Cabinet appointment” in return. The White House has declined comment. The same claim has been made by defense lawyers in past court filings, without supporting evidence.

The president spoke with FBI agents about the Blagojevich scandal soon after the former governor was arrested in 2008. Blagojevich’s legal team has tried to compel the FBI to release a transcript of the interview it conducted with the president, but the bureau has declined all requests.

In a conversation released earlier this week between Blagojevich and Harris recorded by the FBI, Blagojevich is heard saying his “objective” in shopping the Senate seat was to “get a good gig” in Washington.

Blagojevich suggested to Harris that he aim to become secretary of Health and Human Services or ambassador to the United Nations.

Again, no supporting evidence has been turned over yet, but to be sure if/when it ever is; Obama's own party could prove to be his undoing and from what I know about Chicago politics, I’d wager good money that the proof exists somewhere and it’s being held as the ultimate bargaining tool.

One final fumble of the butterfinger’ed Obama admin I’d like to touch on is the recent Rolling Stone interview with General Stanley McChrystal and his top aides. The relationship between Obama and McChrystal had already suffered its initial blow in October of 2009 when a confidential report that McChrystal wrote which painted a grim picture of the allied mission in Afghanistan was leaked to the press.

Matters were helped none when the general then went on to give a series of candid interviews as well as a speech on the matter. He told Newsweek he was firmly against half measures in Afghanistan: "You can't hope to contain the fire by letting just half the building burn."

It was also reported that upon McChrystal’s first meeting with the president in the Oval Office, McChrystal found Obama to be, “disengaged,” and he got the sense that the president was out of his league. The article goes on to document Team America’s booze-filled night, reporting, in candid detail, not only the general’s personal opinion of Obama’s abilities as Commander-in-Chief, but also those of his team. A group of soldiers described as a tight-knit unit of men who represent the most powerful force shaping U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

Mere days after the story ran, McChrystal was summoned to the Oval Office once again to face the music. This time he came prepared with his resignation papers in hand; indicating that even if he was not relieved of his duty, he had had enough and would not stay.

This whole embarrassing incident only served to further damage Obama’s image in the eyes of our enemies and allies, alike. And in what is perhaps the sweetest twist of irony that has reinforced the perception of the left as a bunch of wafflers; the officer that Obama tapped to take over as the top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan just happens to be General David Petraeus, the brave patriot that Obama’s political puppet organization; famously renamed: General BetrayUs. This from a group of traitors and thugs who clearly disclaim at the bottom of their web page that: Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election.



Follow me on Tuesday June, 29 when we examine the economy, unemployment, Obama’s proposed, “snack tax,” the VAT tax, the last quarter jobs created report and the newly defined parameters that serve to define, “Middle Class.”

original post at http://politicalpatrol.blogspot.comNEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.

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