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Sunday, June 13, 2010

What's the Difference?

"Obama to Address Nation Tuesday Night on Gulf Oil Spill"...meanwhile..."Pakistan Agency funds: Trains-Taliban" That’s why you don't elect a one term senator propped up by 10 second sound bites; who uses a 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheet to blot-up the water behind his ears…. TO BE THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. I know Bush was an easy target…but let’s take a moment and look at it ONE MORE TIME…the economic/social paradigm of our great nation is cyclical. Since 1964 (Kennedy); our national prosperity has been a back and forth see-saw of affluence and decline. I left America, to reside on the other side of the world in Dubai; when I saw our fore-father’s shed blood’s writing on the wall. This new found, “international world order” is a blatant spit in the eye of every vision our founders held dear. And quick; one, two, three….CLOCK IT!!! What was the difference in reactions between Bush’s response to Katrina and Obama’s response to the oil crisis (other than a 3 day lag time added to BO’S reaction?) And why has no issue been made of that in the transparent leftist media we are forced to entertain? It is not INHUMANE to want to do better than your parents. It is not GREEDY to work really hard and then to be fairly compensated for your efforts. What incentive does anyone have to go above and beyond if one’s efforts will be equalized and then distributed to those who choose to do nothing??? EVERY great nation that has ever succumbed to socialism has failed…bar none. NO ONE EVER DIED TRYING TO GET OUT OF AMERICA!!!! JGG original post at NEED A BLOGGER? I'M AVAILABLE TO BLOG FOR YOU. CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.

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