The roof hasn’t collapsed yet, but the walls are caving in.
In this part of a new three part series called, “Ya Say Ya Want a Revolution,” we’re going to try to figure out what the hell he’s doing in Arizona with SB1070 (the new immigration law), the mosque at Ground Zero and that annoying Michele Obama commercial where she’s virtually begging us to send money to Haiti when it was reported yesterday that more American’s are collecting food stamps to feed their families as they wait for the sheriff to come serve them their eviction notices and put the lock on the door.
Part two is going to cover the Gulf oil spill and the real reason it took him so long to lift the Jones Act (hint, hint—unions), OGodHelpUs’s decision to finance off-shore drilling in Brazil, and his moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf.
Part three will cover and explain the new taxes coming our way, soon. So much for that campaign promise; along with all the others.
So let’s get started. Arizona’s new immigration law SB1070…a synopsis:
The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (introduced as Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and thus often referred to simply as Arizona SB 1070) is a legislative act in the U.S. state of Arizona that is the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in decades. It has received national and international attention and has spurred considerable controversy.
U.S. federal law requires certain aliens to register with the U.S. government, and to have registration documents in their possession at all times. The Arizona Act additionally makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents, bars state or local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens. The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine.
In March of 2010, rancher Bob Krentz and his dog were killed by an illegal alien from Mexico and just a couple of weeks ago two more American’s were murdered by who were believed to be Mexican drug lords. Forgive me, but I’d rather insult an alien and protect an American than have it the other way around, but that’s just me. No offense.
Critics of the legislation say it encourages racial profiling, while supporters say the law prohibits the use of race as the sole basis for investigating immigration status. The law was modified by Arizona House Bill 2162 within a week of its signing with the goal of addressing some of these concerns. There have been protests in opposition to the law in over 70 U.S. cities, including boycotts and calls for boycotts of Arizona. Polling has found the law to have majority support in Arizona, as well as nationwide. Passage of the measure has prompted other states to consider adopting similar legislation. And let’s hope they do; CLOSE OUR BORDERS!!!!
The mosque at Ground Zero is going to be a reality with President Obama weighing in forcefully, saying “…a nation built on religious freedom must allow it.”
“As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country,” Obama told a crowd gathered at the White House Friday evening to observe the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
He also then personally wished all Muslims around the world a happy Ramadan.
Who the hell is this guy? I wouldn’t be surprised to find him worshiping at the damn mosque himself in disguise.
The White House had not previously taken a stand on the mosque, which would be part of a $100 million Islamic community center two blocks from where nearly 3,000 people perished when hijacked jetliners slammed into the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001. Press secretary Robert Gibbs had insisted it was a local matter.
But Obumbler’s tune changed when he concluded “that that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances,” he said. “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable.”
No offense, but this guy is either a terrorist, himself…or just a real idiot. Does he not get that when those bulldozers show up to dig up the ground and churn the earth, the MURDERED BODIES of AMERICAN CITIZENS will be bulldozed along with it? He gets it, seriously, how could he not…he just doesn’t care.
Now, on to Michelle, the racist that the socialist is married to. Who else is beginning to find her annoying in that commercial with her persistent plea for us to text, “fuck America” to 999999 to send Haiti $10.
Now don’t get me wrong, I had no problem with America responding to the immediate disaster, I’m not heartless, I saw the footage on TV; I even donated myself…but come on, it happened more than 7 months ago. In January there were 498000 claims for unemployment, last count in August of 2010, there were 14,000+ more filing.
1.41 MILLION Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, alone. Who has $10 bucks to send to Haiti? No offense, of course.
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