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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Uncle Sam Will Support Me

Republicans took control of the House yesterday as the 112 Congress of the United States reconvened. As her parting shot, the always charming Pelosi declared before relinquishing the gavel that, "When the new speaker of the House, John Boehner, and the new Republican majority, come forward with solutions that address these American challenges (jobs creation), you will find in us a willing partner.”

What exactly did she mean by that? Did she mean that the Democrats were resigned to sit on their haunches (as they have been for the last two years) and wait for the Republicans to figure it out? Or more likely was she saying without really saying that when our economic freefall is stabilized and stimulated, that she and her pack of cronies will be the first ones claiming victory?

I just hope John Q Public’s memory is long enough, so when that turn-around comes, they realize that it was Republican fiscal conservatism forced upon our liberal Congress that ultimately put the brakes on the spending free-for-all our government has been enjoying unchecked for the duration of the Obama administration.

In my opinion, the first order of business that the House needs to address if they really intend to do the bidding of the people is to pick apart ObamaCare, line by line, citing each and every one of its Constitutional violations as grounds for repeal.

What it really amount to is the first step down the slippery slope of O’Bullshits ultimate plan of wealth distribution. The worst of it is his first strike was against the elderly. They’re a part of the population who isn’t exactly in a position to stand up for themselves, nor do they have the most powerful lobbies in DC fighting for them.

Because when you think about it, what did the reform really change? You still have to buy your own health insurance if you can afford it, but now you’re paying twice or three times as much so the government can ensure that the people who can’t or won’t pay are covered to see a doctor for every little hang-nail and sniffle. The real bitch of it is, that the doctor’s are going to be overworked and exhausted from having to carry such an enormous patient load, that even though you might be paying 3x’s as much to be seen, you’re going to get the same sub-par care that another patient, paying nothing will get.

What the health bill basically does is allow Big Brother to cut funding to one of the most vulnerable cross-sections of our populace. These are people who for many, many years paid into the system. In return that system promised to take care of them every time it grabbed its share. In reality, Obamacare hands them their hat and shows them the door.

With the passage of “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” the script has been flipped. Healthcare reform has shifted the responsibility of self preservation from an individual responsibility to a personal right. Soon, if the left has their way, anyone capable of crawling over and within our borders will become the burden of whatever aspect of the citizenry still foolish enough to continue working to support them.

How long will it be until even the diehard old-timers decide to rest their weary bones, content with their share of government cheese? What happens when the last rat decides to stop running on the wheel, because they finally realize that either way, the prize is the same in the end? At that point, who supplies the cheese we’ve all grown accustomed to when there’s no one left to make it?

I absolutely understand that the greatness of the nation I love is its possibility of all things. The land of the free and the home of the brave became that way due to the bravery, honor, blood, sweat and tears of the men and women who fought and died to allow us these rights.

We didn’t become the most powerful nation in the world with the best standard of living because our fore-father’s flung the doors wide open and said, “To hell with it. Come on in and take what ‘cha want/need...don’t contribute, don’t produce and while you’re at it, take your trust out of God and put it in us.”

Everyone chant on three, “Uncle Sam will support me.”

And not for nothing, but Obama’s shift to the middle is a farce. He’s a true politician and knows that the only way he’ll ever get re-elected is if he’s seen as middle-of-the-road. Once he gets in, if he does, he’ll pull off his moderate mask and go whole hog to implement his liberal agenda.

His ideology is too ingrained; look back through my initial posts of this blog, the very reason for its existence is to warn the country of the dangers of this man, his personal affiliations and his publically stated beliefs prior to his decision to run for office.

Personal beliefs and ingrained ideologies don’t shift as easily as your weight from your left foot to your right.

And I haven’t lost my appreciation for irony. It was reported yesterday that Obama is, “Imploring the right to help his resurrect the economy.” Mark my words, when the Republican led House manages to block enough of the liberal lefts crazy entitlement programs, draft fiscally conservative legislation and gets it passed; they’ll save this sinking ship. And when they do, Obumbler will, without a doubt, pin a star on his lapel and claim the victory as his and his alone.

He is a true politician in the worst sense of the word. He will play the game and pander to the right, fake a more moderate belief in policy and ideals for the sole purpose of re-election. Once he achieves that goal, he knows that as the Constitution stands now (not that he’s shown any respect for or recognition of the document thus far) he’s not eligible for a third term. As such, his second term will be a full-court press of steam-rolling over the majority will of the people. An Obama second term will no doubt force upon us a dictatorship-like environment of government rule and the implementation of his and his elitist friends every whim and desire.



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